On My Way to Page 10
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On my way to page 10 (aka, "Dont mind me, I'm on my way to page 10" "If I make it to page 10, X" etc) is a *chan-based image meme. [Need to find out original forum posted on]
Depicting the character "Cactuar" from the Final Fantasy series, along with the words "Don't mind me, I'm on my way to page 10," the point of the meme is to amass as many posts in a thread as possible to keep the Cactuar from reaching his ultimate destination.
As On my way threads became more and more popular on 4chan, derivatives were soon to follow, such as "If I make it to page 10, I's a free man" (depicting a runaway slave) and "If I make it to page 10, I can leave the kitchen" (depicting a woman in a stereotypical kitchen role). [Would appreciate example pics. Search your /b/ folder, ppl]
Note: since /b/ has added 5 more pages, more mutations claiming to be "on their way to page 15" have been spawned.
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