Lard, Terine

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
The Architect of Alrest: Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
books by brosnan

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
The next generation

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
The apprentice

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
The End Game

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
And has three digits

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
License To Fill

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
Japanese Architect

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
Vs Joshua Luna

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
Wise words

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
It was rigged from the start

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
The Architect goes for literal Planets
![O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 20:49:06 2021 No.12703452 Quoted by: >>12703460 >>12703463 >>12703508 If SpaceX is colonizing mars, who will colonize venus? O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:10:36 2021 No.12703508 Quoted by: >>12703545 >>12703452 Venus literally cannot be a colony. There is no way to produce ANYTHING on Venus. O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:28:12 2021 No.12703545 Quoted by: >>12703553 >>12703584 >>12703508 Venus could be useful if we really wanted a shitload of CO2 for some reason. Running giant atmospheric scoops would be a good way to do it, though the logistics of storing it become a problem. I'm partial to the idea of building a giant dry ice ball at Sun-Venus-L2, but getting the dry ice there from low Venus orbit is trouble. O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:31:20 2021 No.12703553 Quoted by: >>12703563 >>12703545 At the very least a shitload of CO2 in this case would have to mean more than all the 10^f--- tons available on Mars, since that's much easier to access due to the smaller gravity well O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:35:46 2021 No.12703563 Quoted by: >>12703568 >>12703586 >>12703553 The gravity well thing isn't so much a problem with Venus because the bulk of your propulsion for the harvesting process would just be solar electric with a portion of the CO2 as your propellant gas. And you're depleting an atmosphere that nobody wants, instead of an atmosphere that quite a few people would like to be thicker. O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:36:32 2021 No.12703568 File: 310 KB, 939x967, architects of peace brosnan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report] Quoted by: >>12703575 >>12703586 >>12703563 >that quite a few people would like to be thicker. >Elon is Brosnan-ing an entire planet Venus figurine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Venus figurine is any Upper Palaeolithic statuette portraying a woman, usually carved in the round. Most have been unearthed in Europe, but others have been found as far away as Siberia, and distributed across much of Eurasia. Most date from the Gravettian period (26,000-21,000 years ago)." However, findings are not limited to this period; for example, the Venus of [1] Hohle Fels dates back at least 35,000 years to the Aurignacian era, and the Venus of Monruz dates back about 11,000 years to the Magdalenian. Such figurines were carved from soft stone (such as steatite, calcite or limestone), bone or ivory, or formed of clay and fired. The latter are among the oldest ceramics known to historians. In total, over 200 such figurines are known;2 virtually all of modest size, between about 3 cm and 40 cm in height. These figurines are recognised as some of the earliest works of prehistoric art. Most have small heads, wide hips, and legs that taper to a point. Arms and feet are often absent, and the head is usually small and faceless. Various figurines exaggerate the abdomen, hips, breasts, thighs, or vulva, although many found examples do not reflect these typical characteristics. Depictions of hairstyles can be detailed, and especially in Siberian examples, clothing or tattoos may be indicated. The original cultural meaning and purpose of these artefacts is not known. It has frequently been suggested that they may have served a ritual or symbolic function. There are widely varying and speculative interpretations of their use or meaning: they have been seen as religious figures,bl an expression of health and fertility, grandmother goddesses, or as self-depictions by female artists. [6] Contents [hide] Venus of Willendorf 1 History of discovery](
![O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 20:49:06 2021 No.12703452 Quoted by: >>12703460 >>12703463 >>12703508 If SpaceX is colonizing mars, who will colonize venus? O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:10:36 2021 No.12703508 Quoted by: >>12703545 >>12703452 Venus literally cannot be a colony. There is no way to produce ANYTHING on Venus. O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:28:12 2021 No.12703545 Quoted by: >>12703553 >>12703584 >>12703508 Venus could be useful if we really wanted a shitload of CO2 for some reason. Running giant atmospheric scoops would be a good way to do it, though the logistics of storing it become a problem. I'm partial to the idea of building a giant dry ice ball at Sun-Venus-L2, but getting the dry ice there from low Venus orbit is trouble. O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:31:20 2021 No.12703553 Quoted by: >>12703563 >>12703545 At the very least a shitload of CO2 in this case would have to mean more than all the 10^f--- tons available on Mars, since that's much easier to access due to the smaller gravity well O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:35:46 2021 No.12703563 Quoted by: >>12703568 >>12703586 >>12703553 The gravity well thing isn't so much a problem with Venus because the bulk of your propulsion for the harvesting process would just be solar electric with a portion of the CO2 as your propellant gas. And you're depleting an atmosphere that nobody wants, instead of an atmosphere that quite a few people would like to be thicker. O Anonymous Sat Feb 13 21:36:32 2021 No.12703568 File: 310 KB, 939x967, architects of peace brosnan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report] Quoted by: >>12703575 >>12703586 >>12703563 >that quite a few people would like to be thicker. >Elon is Brosnan-ing an entire planet Venus figurine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Venus figurine is any Upper Palaeolithic statuette portraying a woman, usually carved in the round. Most have been unearthed in Europe, but others have been found as far away as Siberia, and distributed across much of Eurasia. Most date from the Gravettian period (26,000-21,000 years ago)." However, findings are not limited to this period; for example, the Venus of [1] Hohle Fels dates back at least 35,000 years to the Aurignacian era, and the Venus of Monruz dates back about 11,000 years to the Magdalenian. Such figurines were carved from soft stone (such as steatite, calcite or limestone), bone or ivory, or formed of clay and fired. The latter are among the oldest ceramics known to historians. In total, over 200 such figurines are known;2 virtually all of modest size, between about 3 cm and 40 cm in height. These figurines are recognised as some of the earliest works of prehistoric art. Most have small heads, wide hips, and legs that taper to a point. Arms and feet are often absent, and the head is usually small and faceless. Various figurines exaggerate the abdomen, hips, breasts, thighs, or vulva, although many found examples do not reflect these typical characteristics. Depictions of hairstyles can be detailed, and especially in Siberian examples, clothing or tattoos may be indicated. The original cultural meaning and purpose of these artefacts is not known. It has frequently been suggested that they may have served a ritual or symbolic function. There are widely varying and speculative interpretations of their use or meaning: they have been seen as religious figures,bl an expression of health and fertility, grandmother goddesses, or as self-depictions by female artists. [6] Contents [hide] Venus of Willendorf 1 History of discovery](
Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting
Baskin Robbins always finds out

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting

Pierce Brosnan / The Architect / Architectposting