PinnacIe rage muffin
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In imvu a tumblr feminist runs out into emo rooms and begins talking to other people, after 15 minutes a guy named BLOCK enters the room and begins trolling the tumblr feminist. after 20 minutes of constent rape jokes and jokes about his mom "it" starts to rage hardcore saying stuff like
PinnacIe WhisperAdd Friend: by the way, yes she did. and she had far more fucking courtesy than you fucking self righteous trolling little fuckers in her pinky than you both have in your entire fucking body. She died in a car wreck on our way back from the fucking hospital because we were both sick and i had to fucking watch her die. ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW THAT YOU TWO FUCKING ASSHOLES HAVE MADE ME HAVE A GODDAMN PANIC ATTACK!? good fucking going you pieces of shit. I hope that you get a fucking coma and wake up at the bottom of the goddamn ocean. Fucking trolls like you diserve to die. Pieces of fucking shit. Especially you, fucking 'Istus' trying to be fucking original. Your name just sounds like a fucking disease. And block, youre a piece of shit who just wants to get his dick wet and NOT EVEN IN REAL FUCKING LIFE. going to call me a fucking feminit when i call you out on your stupid ass way to get 'japanes women' YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. Like you could get that in fucking real. But anyway. fuck you both. Wish a fucking terrible ass future for both of you. Wish that you both lose a fucking relative and have to go through that shit of having to watch them die and you cant do a damn thing about it. I really fucking do. You ignorant pieces of shit.
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