Rex Tillerson - Images
Harsh breakup styles throughout history: • 50s -- Returned letter jacket • 80s -- Note through a friend • 90s -- Message left on answering machine •...

Rex Tillerson
I got Tillersoned sophomore year of high school. She changed her status to single but also got into a public relationship with someone else before I e...

Rex Tillerson
CONFESSION: I once Tillerson-ed an ex by breaking up with him via changing my relationship status to “Single” on Facebook. The day before Valentin...

Rex Tillerson
Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job! Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina...

Rex Tillerson
here's a nice tongue twister for you

Rex Tillerson
when people ask how you can produce so much natural gas

Rex Tillerson
why does every photo of rex tillerson...

Rex Tillerson
The Onion: morale low at state department after only employee fired

Rex Tillerson