Squirrel-Monkey - Videos
The Wikipedia in the '80s

The Wikipedia in the '80s
Why Skype wasn't invented in the '80s...

Why Skype wasn't invented in the '80s...
Why Spotify didn't exist in the '80s.

Why Spotify didn't exist in the '80s.
Privacy - Wonders of the World Wide Web

Privacy - Wonders of the World Wide Web
If Pinterest had been invented in the '90s...

If Pinterest had been invented in the '90s...
If Linkedin had been invented in the '80s...

If Linkedin had been invented in the '80s...
If Youtube had been invented in the '90s...

If Youtube had been invented in the '90s...
If Twitter had been invented in the '80s...

If Twitter had been invented in the '80s...
If DrawSomething were an old pc game - By www.squirrel-monkey.com

If DrawSomething were an old pc game - By www.squirrel-monkey.com
If Angry Birds were an '80s home computer game...

If Angry Birds were an '80s home computer game...
If Facebook were invented in the '90s...

If Facebook were invented in the '90s...
If Google were invented in the '80s...