Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner - Images
My body hangs like a heavy weight on my spirit, until it is destroyed in death

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
“She killed a fox and an alligator to look like that”.

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
This is a rare blonde Kris Jenner. RT for seven years of good luck.

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner really look like her husband died from “natural causes” and she telling everyone she started her own business before his passing.

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner is that white step aunt that has been in the family forever that been with Uncle Doug since 87' 🙌👑💎

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
When you get more than 1 like on a tweet

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
when you put a little basil on top of your ramen noodles

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
Them: "Don't be extra." Me:

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
KRIS JENNER: give me the 'you're damn right i stole those puppies' BARBER: say no more, fam

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner is a mood.

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
“Your broke” First off all.....

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner
Caption this...

Platinum Blonde Kris Jenner