PS3 Has No Games - Images
Gaia showcases her ps5 games collection to the planeteers.jpg

PS3 Has No Games
PS3 Has No Games
anon RPs on 4chan as a muppet | /r/Greentext

PS3 Has No Games
Fat Albert

PS3 Has No Games
dead internet theory strikes again. 164 replies to a completely blank image. this website is fucked.

PS3 Has No Games
“There’s no games Jerry! No games!”

PS3 Has No Games
That leaves ONE GAME

PS3 Has No Games
14 years later and PS3 still has no games

PS3 Has No Games
Friendly Reminder

PS3 Has No Games
What about PS1

PS3 Has No Games
Old Meme is Old

PS3 Has No Games

PS3 Has No Games
I'm sure this joke has been made before, I just haven't seen a picture form of it

PS3 Has No Games
Greentext Story
![File. EB-IMG-1434550811373 ing (13 KB. 610x250) Anonymous 06/24/15(Wed)23 48 21 No 300062718 IReply] > 0000412-ooossemooosme LONG story short, Ihad a heart condition and my fomale cousin (t yr oldor) holped me got through it salmost fully recovered close with cousin scousin comes over during summer 2014 alone this time she stays pretty much all the summer owe play videogames, watch movies and so on everyday comes back again for 2014 mas holday we do tho same over again start looking at her differently and noticing things i hadn't because I was really sick at the time shord brown hair green eyes never wears make up sold 85710 tomboy-ish Sone year older than me f--- shes pretty much my ideal of perfect gir sshe muttered one night bey anoncan i ask you a question sug what's up? she says she wants to play a coop game with me "but there's a catch oshe slowly removes her tight yoga pants to reveal her white laced panties sconfused as f---, d--- cant help but get hard as damonds let's play a coop game, each death leads to that person removing an article of clothing, looks like in losing so far m-my ps4 is in the other room, w.why dont we go and turn iton "after you, anon She giggles my heart is racing, I cant believe this, what will this lead to, are we gonna f---? Should i f--- my cousin? >i look back at her,waist thin hips wide, adorable face, perky t---, f---. Im gonna bang my cousin arent i ,'what is it, anon n-nothing, just making sure no one was behind us 5 theres the door to my spare room where my po4 is i say nervousty everything feels like it is in slow motion just a few more steps and ive gone from never getting out of bed to losing my virginity to my cousin i reach for the knob it feels like ive taken 10 seconds to turn the handle, just have to take a deep breath 1 can do this she is right behind me, smilling i hope you have a difficult game for us to play, i want you to lose as quickly as possible realize im f----- either way finally turn the knob and open the door >get on the floor still no garmes for the p4](/assets/image-covers/nsfw.png)
PS3 Has No Games
I've been through the desert on a horse with no games

PS3 Has No Games
PS4 has no games.

PS3 Has No Games