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Deadpool   1,724

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R is a fairly new ironic letter meme similar to E that has recently been spread through mostly Discord and Twitter. The original meme is of a generic image of a Despicable Me minion stretched out and cropped out with the letter R in bold, black text. However, the format can be dis-associated from the minion, yet still maintain the same intended joke.

The meme was first shared to Discord around the end of July and beginning of August. It's first glimpse of infamousy and potential would be on August 5th, where it would be reposted to the Out of Context Everything twitter account. Thousands would see the image and a few would create their own versions of the "R" meme, using the same or a similar format.

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Updated Aug 07, 2020 at 12:21PM EDT by Twist.

Added Aug 07, 2020 at 03:43AM EDT by Sponge.

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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R is a fairly new ironic letter meme similar to E that has recently been spread through mostly Discord and Twitter. The original meme is of a generic image of a Despicable Me minion stretched out and cropped out with the letter R in bold, black text. However, the format can be dis-associated from the minion, yet still maintain the same intended joke.

The meme was first shared to Discord around the end of July and beginning of August. It's first glimpse of infamousy and potential would be on August 5th, where it would be reposted to the Out of Context Everything twitter account. Thousands would see the image and a few would create their own versions of the "R" meme, using the same or a similar format.

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