Rebecca (Edgerunners Character)
Part of a series on Cyberpunk Edgerunners. [View Related Entries]
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Rebecca is a character in the anime series Cyberpunk Edgerunners developed by studio Trigger for Netflix and released in September 2022. The character has received a fair amount of fan attention and controversy since the show's debut, largely stemming from her physical body type as a cybernetic loli who shoots guns and drinks alcohol, though many also argue against associating that term with her.
Rebecca appears in episode three of the Edgerunners anime series, titled "Smooth Criminal" (released September 13th, 2022), and quickly sets herself apart from the rest of the cast, subsequently winning the heart of many among the show's fanbase. Her adulation by the fanbase was discussed in a video the day the series premiered by YouTuber Kakuchopurei.[1] His video, titled "Cyberpunk Edgerunners but just Rebecca," quickly went on to gain over 1.2 million views in six days (shown below).
Rebecca continued to be a prominently discussed character online after the show aired for both her personality and her body type, which is commonly known as a "loli" — a character that behaves like an adult despite having the appearance of a younger child. This controversy was exacerbated by the news that the game's developer CD Projekt Red was originally against adding her into the story, as she was not in the initial scripts, but Trigger was steadfast in its backing of her character, purportedly insisting on her inclusion. This was personified by the Twitter comic creator @FracturedInn[2] on September 16th, 2022, with a four-panel comic meme that he made about the situation, earning over 9,000 likes in three days (shown below).

Also because of her stature, in fan art depictions Rebecca is often drawn as a Gremlin archetype, except with guns as the main hallmarks of her character. For example, the art piece created by Twitter artist @_Miyann[3] on September 17th, 2022, in which Rebecca is drawn as a Gremlin dual-wielding guns and engaging in gratuitous acts of senseless violence, received over 13,000 likes in two days (shown below).

Related Memes
Lucy is a character in the anime series Cyberpunk Edgerunners developed by studio Trigger for Netflix. Following the release of the series, the character achieved major popularity online as a waifu alongside Rebecca.

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Sep 19, 2022 at 11:06PM EDT
Sep 19, 2022 at 10:49PM EDT