Release the JJ Cut - Images
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Release the JJ Cut
Thank you for your support of #ReleaseTheJJCut . This scene as well as many more instances of Finn yelling Rey's name while she's busy doing more imp...

Release the JJ Cut
What stands out to me: the discrepancies between the VD/final cut, Interviews w/ JJ suggesting Finn’s origins would be just as integral as Rey’s, John...

Release the JJ Cut
Wow in the original scene, Rey and I went to Exegol TOGETHER

Release the JJ Cut
Everyone talking about WW3 but I’m over here talking about the fact that Disney ruined Star Wars by its meddling. Sign the petition to get the three h...

Release the JJ Cut
#ReleaseTheJJCut So to end off Disney SW Saga of disappointment -Reylo wasn't intended -Adam Driver got robbed an Oscar winning performance -Disney's...

Release the JJ Cut
Imagine cutting this scene: «- You can’t defeat the me, I am all the sith! -And I am all the Jedi! * Obi Wan suddenly appears -AND I HAVE THE HIG...

Release the JJ Cut
My TROS source who is definitely real and not made up tells me: Finn, Poe, Rey and Ben were all supposed to kiss in the victory celebration scene Ro...

Release the JJ Cut
Disney vs JJ Abrams on Darth Vader #ReleaseTheJJCut

Release the JJ Cut
Here is an example of how bad it is, yet people somehow believe it to be true?

Release the JJ Cut
Do yourself a favor, don’t believe any crazy reddit conspiracy theories about TROS. Most of them read like laughable ridiculous fan fiction. It’s amaz...

Release the JJ Cut
i refuse to believe that finn is NOT force sensitive, he used luke’s lightsaber, was able to keep up a fight without any training and he sensed rey dy...

Release the JJ Cut