Rickroll - Videos
The Untold Truth Of Rickrolling
The Untold Truth Of Rickrolling
NYC Subway gets Rick Roll'd [original upload]
NYC Subway gets Rick Roll'd [original upload]
Top 10 Ways To Rickroll Someone
Top 10 Ways To Rickroll Someone
RickRoll, on a calculator
RickRoll, on a calculator
YouTube Poop: Squidward Keeps Getting RickRoll'd
YouTube Poop: Squidward Keeps Getting RickRoll'd
Celebrities rickroll everyone
Celebrities rickroll everyone
Jazz Students "Rickroll" an audience
Jazz Students "Rickroll" an audience
How Did Rickrolling Start? (And Did Rick Astley Really Only Make $12 Off the Meme)
How Did Rickrolling Start? (And Did Rick Astley Really Only Make $12 Off the Meme)
Rickrolling Streamers In 2020
Rickrolling Streamers In 2020
Google Translate Sings: "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley
Google Translate Sings: "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley
Chatting with Rick Astley About the 'Rickroll' Phenomenon
Chatting with Rick Astley About the 'Rickroll' Phenomenon
Rickroll your Zooms
Rickroll your Zooms
Wheel of Fortune Rick Rolls us (9/21/2017)
Wheel of Fortune Rick Rolls us (9/21/2017)
I Made This Stranger RICKROLL HERSELF on Piano
I Made This Stranger RICKROLL HERSELF on Piano
How Many YouTubers Can I Rick Roll in 24 Hours? - (World Record)
How Many YouTubers Can I Rick Roll in 24 Hours? - (World Record)
Rickroll But It's Lofi
Rickroll But It's Lofi
What if Hamilton Rickrolled you #shorts
What if Hamilton Rickrolled you #shorts
Rick Astley himself "rick rolls" reporter on live TV | Your Morning
Rick Astley himself "rick rolls" reporter on live TV | Your Morning
Barack Obama Gets Rick Roll'd! During YouTube Interview
Barack Obama Gets Rick Roll'd! During YouTube Interview