Sisyphus Spotify Playlist

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme
Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus Milk Crate Challenge

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus is Happy meme

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus is Happy meme
Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus is Happy meme
Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus Meme
Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus 4chan Greentext
![Anonymous Mon 23 Jul 2018 02:29:58 No.46996476 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>46996773 >>46996813 I've been in love with the same girl since I was 16 years old. I'm about to turn 26 now. She was my first love and the first female to ever give me the time of day, even as just friends. We've hooked up a few times over the years, as recently as this past April, even seriously dated for a few months when I was 21. However over the past 10 years I'd say she's spent about over half that time on and off completely ignoring the f--- out of me, despite me being of her oldest and truest friends. Every time I see her, which is rarely now because we live in different places, she'll smile to my face and tell me how much she misses me, that she loves me, how nobody has ever loved her like I do, we'll make out/have sex, tells me I should come visit her, blah blah blah. And in the moment, I buy every word. But then when we go our separate ways and I try to contact her, she'll just goes right back to ignoring me, leaving my messages on read. Inevitably she gets herself involved in relationships with other guys. She's currently dating someone that she met literally 3 weeks after the last time we f----- in April. 112KiB, 764x938, 1483572083965.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO [11/4/?] In spite of all this, I can't get over her. I still think about her all the time. I have dreams about her, regularly. It's easier when she's in a relationship, but I have to resist the urge to reach out to her, even though I know for a fact that she wouldn't respond anyways. I feel like I'm doomed to have these unreciprocated feelings for the rest of my life. Why is it so hard for me to just let go and forget about her? I'm an after-thought in her mind, some loser from high school on the back burner perpetually. I want so badly to meet someone new that can show me what receiving real love is like, that will treat me with actual respect and appreciate my loyalty. Ironically, my feelings for her are probably holding me back from establishing new connections with other people. I feel like some kind of s-----, stupid sisyphus](
![Anonymous Mon 23 Jul 2018 02:29:58 No.46996476 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>46996773 >>46996813 I've been in love with the same girl since I was 16 years old. I'm about to turn 26 now. She was my first love and the first female to ever give me the time of day, even as just friends. We've hooked up a few times over the years, as recently as this past April, even seriously dated for a few months when I was 21. However over the past 10 years I'd say she's spent about over half that time on and off completely ignoring the f--- out of me, despite me being of her oldest and truest friends. Every time I see her, which is rarely now because we live in different places, she'll smile to my face and tell me how much she misses me, that she loves me, how nobody has ever loved her like I do, we'll make out/have sex, tells me I should come visit her, blah blah blah. And in the moment, I buy every word. But then when we go our separate ways and I try to contact her, she'll just goes right back to ignoring me, leaving my messages on read. Inevitably she gets herself involved in relationships with other guys. She's currently dating someone that she met literally 3 weeks after the last time we f----- in April. 112KiB, 764x938, 1483572083965.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO [11/4/?] In spite of all this, I can't get over her. I still think about her all the time. I have dreams about her, regularly. It's easier when she's in a relationship, but I have to resist the urge to reach out to her, even though I know for a fact that she wouldn't respond anyways. I feel like I'm doomed to have these unreciprocated feelings for the rest of my life. Why is it so hard for me to just let go and forget about her? I'm an after-thought in her mind, some loser from high school on the back burner perpetually. I want so badly to meet someone new that can show me what receiving real love is like, that will treat me with actual respect and appreciate my loyalty. Ironically, my feelings for her are probably holding me back from establishing new connections with other people. I feel like some kind of s-----, stupid sisyphus](
Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder
Sisyphus 4chan Greentext

Sisyphus / Sisyphus Pushing a Boulder