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The Source of All Evil
![File: nothinbutateathing.jpg (55 KB, 610x460) O Anonymous (ID: ILDXrpH) 09/13/14(Sat)05:13:42 No.568431194 [Reply] Tea is the coolest thing in human history. >Grows in China,only really exported to Japan. It's called -Tu. >1500s, some dude brings it to Europe. >Britain goes f------ nuts for it. >Start naval empire for the sole purpose of buying tea. >Britain buys all the tea in china for all it's silver bullion, utterly bankrupting itself. ARL OREY LAN Britain gets china addicted to opium to balance debt. Ha. >China gets p-----, colossal war ensues. >Meanwhile brits decide they want sugar in their tea, basically kick start the slave trade in earnest. >Stick sugar plantations all over americas. >Kill half the n------ in Africa just to grow that sweet sweet sugar. >Blitz through India, be like "grow tea or everyone dies". >okay.jpg >China's f-----, broke from opium wars, monopoly on tea gone, >Africa's f-----, millions dead, millions in chains halfway around the world. >the Americas rolling in wealth because slavery and plantations. >Everyone and their mum now drinks tea, brits make mad bank. >Me gets to drink sweet brew every morning, laughing my ass off at the untold numbers of corpses l'm dancing on. TEA THREAD BITCHES. Pick is pretty god tea. + 143 posts and 34 image renlies omitted Click here to view](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/885/219/2cb.png)
![File: nothinbutateathing.jpg (55 KB, 610x460) O Anonymous (ID: ILDXrpH) 09/13/14(Sat)05:13:42 No.568431194 [Reply] Tea is the coolest thing in human history. >Grows in China,only really exported to Japan. It's called -Tu. >1500s, some dude brings it to Europe. >Britain goes f------ nuts for it. >Start naval empire for the sole purpose of buying tea. >Britain buys all the tea in china for all it's silver bullion, utterly bankrupting itself. ARL OREY LAN Britain gets china addicted to opium to balance debt. Ha. >China gets p-----, colossal war ensues. >Meanwhile brits decide they want sugar in their tea, basically kick start the slave trade in earnest. >Stick sugar plantations all over americas. >Kill half the n------ in Africa just to grow that sweet sweet sugar. >Blitz through India, be like "grow tea or everyone dies". >okay.jpg >China's f-----, broke from opium wars, monopoly on tea gone, >Africa's f-----, millions dead, millions in chains halfway around the world. >the Americas rolling in wealth because slavery and plantations. >Everyone and their mum now drinks tea, brits make mad bank. >Me gets to drink sweet brew every morning, laughing my ass off at the untold numbers of corpses l'm dancing on. TEA THREAD BITCHES. Pick is pretty god tea. + 143 posts and 34 image renlies omitted Click here to view](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/885/219/2cb.png)
42 walter ora punch

42 in stonks


42: Story of an American Meme


Elder Scrolls: 42





