/r/freefolk - Images
Simply put.... | /r/FreeFolk

If the Big bang theory still aired when GoT ended, what would have been their reaction? | /r/FreeFol...

What's your team? | /r/FreeFolk

I loved how he wore his fingers around his neck.... | /r/FreeFolk

The time has come | /r/FreeFolk

What's your team? Team loyalists of Dany? Or team traitors of Dany? | /r/FreeFolk

Ned tried to plead with Cersei to leave kings landing because he understood her situation, he was hi...

“Really? Bran? Of all people, you chose Bran? | /r/FreeFolk

No wonder he was so confident in facing Stannis and his army. | /r/FreeFolk

The most misunderstood character in the show? | /r/FreeFolk

A feigned rout is less convincing - Tywin | /r/FreeFolk

Lommy Woat | /r/FreeFolk

What are the lore implications of Jon Snow finding the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller? | /r/FreeFolk

Season 8 behind the scenes selfie of Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke! | /r/FreeFolk

I wish you luck in the War's to come.... Total Chad | /r/FreeFolk

Arya: "We need her. We need her army". Also Arya 10 seconds later: | /r/FreeFolk
