/r/freefolk - Images
Tywin negotiating with the Reynes to pay back what they owed his daddy. | /r/FreeFolk

True history of Bran the Broken | /r/FreeFolk

GRRM | /r/FreeFolk

Why did they have to do it in Winterfell though? | /r/FreeFolk

Qyburn, the busiest man in Westeros | /r/FreeFolk

Gonna be honest, I was expecting Jamie's hand to catch fire at some point so we could him 1v1 a whit...

How do you think the Hound knew this bear’s sexual preferences? | /r/FreeFolk

Whatever happened to Greatjon, he was held captive after the wedding right? | /r/FreeFolk

Top 4 characters. Go. | /r/FreeFolk

I think Tywin, not Catelyn, started the war | /r/FreeFolk

The most underrated moment not in the books and this is one of them | /r/FreeFolk

Alicent entered the room crying | /r/FreeFolk

The fans sang for you lord Varys, you deserved better. | /r/FreeFolk

I once had a dream that the Night King snapped Arya's neck and Jon was eaten mid-yell by Viserion. I...

What would’ve happened if after Aegon II’s death, a great council was held to decide the next ruler ...

Robert’s ghost seeing Renly name his Kings Guard, The Rainbow Guard. | /r/FreeFolk
![66 It was just the sort of notion that 99 would appeal to Renly Baratheon; a splendid new order of knighthood, with gorgeous new raiment to proclaim it.[2] Brienne: I ask the honor of a place among your Rainbow Guard. I would be one of your seven, and pledge my life to yours, to go where you go, ride at your side, and keep you safe from all hurt and harm. Renly: Done.[1]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/986/692/c30.jpeg)
![66 It was just the sort of notion that 99 would appeal to Renly Baratheon; a splendid new order of knighthood, with gorgeous new raiment to proclaim it.[2] Brienne: I ask the honor of a place among your Rainbow Guard. I would be one of your seven, and pledge my life to yours, to go where you go, ride at your side, and keep you safe from all hurt and harm. Renly: Done.[1]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/986/692/c30.jpeg)