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ordering a ps5

09/26/2011 - The day Launchpad McQuack is voted for Best Sidekick

The average /v/ user wishes cancer upon you

All-Time Greatest Game Sidekicks

why does death serve dracula?
![File: death.jpg (30 KB, 480x360) SCORE-042900 TIME O226 SIAGE 15 O Anonymous 09/24/21(Fri)03:29:09 No.572026697 [Reply] • >>572029184 >>572027128 >>572027239 >>572028313 ENEMY Uhh..Death serves Dracula? Uhhh can anybody tell me why an entity like Death would serve a vampire? Like uhhh sure vampires are powerful, and king vampire even moreso butt uhhhh Death is literally uh force of nature. O Showing all replies. >> Anonymous 09/24/21(Fri)03:31:57 No.572026984 >>572027121 dracula helps him score p----](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/207/391/cde.png)
![File: death.jpg (30 KB, 480x360) SCORE-042900 TIME O226 SIAGE 15 O Anonymous 09/24/21(Fri)03:29:09 No.572026697 [Reply] • >>572029184 >>572027128 >>572027239 >>572028313 ENEMY Uhh..Death serves Dracula? Uhhh can anybody tell me why an entity like Death would serve a vampire? Like uhhh sure vampires are powerful, and king vampire even moreso butt uhhhh Death is literally uh force of nature. O Showing all replies. >> Anonymous 09/24/21(Fri)03:31:57 No.572026984 >>572027121 dracula helps him score p----](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/207/391/cde.png)
You know what's funnier than PlayStation 4?

Anon Hates FNF Modders

Black Narrator horror
![O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:51 No.173486060 [v] >>173486315 >>173486317 >>173486393 12414123124.png (323 KB, 744x622) iqdb google Problem with horror games is that they overemphasize s---. >LOUD MUSIC O-M-G >JUMP M-----------! If you think about, the elements to a scary situation are simple. SILENCE is much scarier than loud jumpy music or it could be replaced with some weird ambient sound, and DISTURBING situations, where you thought you saw something that really isnt there, or something that just shouldnt be. O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:52 No.173486315 [¬] >>173486761 >>173486060 >JUMP M----------- I'd play a game where jumpscares were accompanied by someone saying that. JUMP M----------- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:55 No.173486761 []>>173487884 >>173493191 >>173486315 >Survival Horror with a black narrator >JUMP M----------- >WATCH OUT NYUGGUH >DAMN SON, YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:03 No.173487884 [▼] >>173488363 >>173489039 >>173493191 >>173486761 take my money 000OH S--- DAT N---- HE DEAD AWWW YOU SEE DAT? TENTACLES N S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:06 No.173488363 [7]>>173488513 >>173488626 >>173493191 Awww s---.jpg (28 KB, 160x249) iqdb google >>173487884 >OH SHI-.. WASSAT? YOU SEE DAT? WHAT THE F--- IS 'AT? OH OH OH S--- N---- OH S--- GET OUT RUN N---- RUN O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:08 No.173488626 [▼] >>173493191 >>173488363 He should give you bad advice too. BUST A CAP IN THAT N---- MAN THE F--- UP OH ОH S--- HE MAD NOW THAT AIN'T DONE S--- RUN N----](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/196/322/971.png)
![O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:51 No.173486060 [v] >>173486315 >>173486317 >>173486393 12414123124.png (323 KB, 744x622) iqdb google Problem with horror games is that they overemphasize s---. >LOUD MUSIC O-M-G >JUMP M-----------! If you think about, the elements to a scary situation are simple. SILENCE is much scarier than loud jumpy music or it could be replaced with some weird ambient sound, and DISTURBING situations, where you thought you saw something that really isnt there, or something that just shouldnt be. O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:52 No.173486315 [¬] >>173486761 >>173486060 >JUMP M----------- I'd play a game where jumpscares were accompanied by someone saying that. JUMP M----------- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:55 No.173486761 []>>173487884 >>173493191 >>173486315 >Survival Horror with a black narrator >JUMP M----------- >WATCH OUT NYUGGUH >DAMN SON, YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:03 No.173487884 [▼] >>173488363 >>173489039 >>173493191 >>173486761 take my money 000OH S--- DAT N---- HE DEAD AWWW YOU SEE DAT? TENTACLES N S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:06 No.173488363 [7]>>173488513 >>173488626 >>173493191 Awww s---.jpg (28 KB, 160x249) iqdb google >>173487884 >OH SHI-.. WASSAT? YOU SEE DAT? WHAT THE F--- IS 'AT? OH OH OH S--- N---- OH S--- GET OUT RUN N---- RUN O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:08 No.173488626 [▼] >>173493191 >>173488363 He should give you bad advice too. BUST A CAP IN THAT N---- MAN THE F--- UP OH ОH S--- HE MAD NOW THAT AIN'T DONE S--- RUN N----](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/196/322/971.png)

Choose your partner /v/ comic

The duality of /v/

/v/ goes to the zoo

Say bad things about this game / Game is a masterpiece

![O Anonymous 04/22/20(Wed)19:32:32 No.504609164 22504609262 >504609424 File: 1587575372562.png (214 KB, 825x534) IT'S OVER reposting from /tf2g/ >guys holy f--- we need a massive evacuation now >look at this >thats sixty seven thousand players >even if you count maybe like half of them as being bots, thats still thirty thousand players >all those players are about to lose their steam accounts and be f----- forever >thats like fifteen 9/11s at once >tyler mcvicker is responsible for at least fifteen 9/11s -Quet for Jikari- TRnce Git >thats like fifteen 9/11s at once Gud -THE REEJOUS MAES- Summer Memories HUGE NTERNET FT SUPER MARIO 3D Nanomachines, son. CucA 970 adt MAN MEATS WHO? KFCONSOLE BASTD AND Emer TEAS LL STARS The WHO is recommending video games as an effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19, one year after adding 'gaming disorder'to its list of addictive behaviors A/V/STORY CRASH FACT O XBOX + "Bethesda O Anonymous 12/28/20(Mon)03:16:56 No.538064 File: monster.jpg (81 KB, 769x769) mike BANDICOOT IT'S ABOUT TIME @Mike_Feichtner is out of Early Access! /v3 >abandons you when you need him the most F--- your feelings Digital: $900 Disc: $1,100 M PROM 2020 N Tmmy You can't READUL He bought? Dump eet. .et! farm rice! Tap In. 00:09] <I_AM_ABIB> why should lobcorp/lor pe on the front page of /v/ all day every day, regardless of any patches or new content or whatever 00:10] <I_AM_ABIB> smash is a cultural phenomenon, you can't really compare to that, few games can Thanks to all of your complaining about wanting a wifi indicator I havent got a match since this patch dropped He was robbed THE VN ↑个JE BA START v /vg/vm/vmg /vr /vrpg / vst/ NI-Video Games the Midright Charel! Welcome back to MEGA MAN 8 -BIT DEATHMATCH VERSION >2020 (This counts as dubs, right?) I F------ LOVE EARWAX B PS4. O Anonymous 07/31/20(Fri)23:55:07 No.5193667 >519368187 >>519368197 >>519368202 >>519368204 >>5193 MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities VEGETA MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities There is no need MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities TJUST SAID THAT I WAS | U/ sings "bur u the light" BLM EDITION Featuring Memil from the Spramieatinn >post ITT to get your vaccine >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities AAAAAUUGGGHH!!! MERCENARY YOU DOG! YOu WEREN'T USING THE 3D PRINTER TO PRINT ME FUNGUS, YOu WERE USING IT TO GIVE NEW, NOT rthe Low Marvel's Avengers Sales Drove $63 Million Sony Loss at Square Enix MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities THAT I Serles nusica WANTED Cities can rebuild, Zach. ©00200 RIP ME THE OL' RUSTY KEY! (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) YOUR SUPERIMARD NORLD2 MOOT PONT GNE YOUR Dun TERNNATE THE F------ OL' RUSTY KEY? HELP, YOU RED-FACED F----- OU'RE STI.LA SWPLE MNDED CREATURE. 1996-2020 to be upset AIways nas veen This is tewwibowe! GUC E SXSWK EVO Wait, it's all sexual predators? -PROJECT. WINGMAN GameSpew 100 Cyberpunk a77 isn't perfect, hut ulealutel drinninn wilhalmnh isnt pertect 100](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/120/630/904.jpg)
![O Anonymous 04/22/20(Wed)19:32:32 No.504609164 22504609262 >504609424 File: 1587575372562.png (214 KB, 825x534) IT'S OVER reposting from /tf2g/ >guys holy f--- we need a massive evacuation now >look at this >thats sixty seven thousand players >even if you count maybe like half of them as being bots, thats still thirty thousand players >all those players are about to lose their steam accounts and be f----- forever >thats like fifteen 9/11s at once >tyler mcvicker is responsible for at least fifteen 9/11s -Quet for Jikari- TRnce Git >thats like fifteen 9/11s at once Gud -THE REEJOUS MAES- Summer Memories HUGE NTERNET FT SUPER MARIO 3D Nanomachines, son. CucA 970 adt MAN MEATS WHO? KFCONSOLE BASTD AND Emer TEAS LL STARS The WHO is recommending video games as an effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19, one year after adding 'gaming disorder'to its list of addictive behaviors A/V/STORY CRASH FACT O XBOX + "Bethesda O Anonymous 12/28/20(Mon)03:16:56 No.538064 File: monster.jpg (81 KB, 769x769) mike BANDICOOT IT'S ABOUT TIME @Mike_Feichtner is out of Early Access! /v3 >abandons you when you need him the most F--- your feelings Digital: $900 Disc: $1,100 M PROM 2020 N Tmmy You can't READUL He bought? Dump eet. .et! farm rice! Tap In. 00:09] <I_AM_ABIB> why should lobcorp/lor pe on the front page of /v/ all day every day, regardless of any patches or new content or whatever 00:10] <I_AM_ABIB> smash is a cultural phenomenon, you can't really compare to that, few games can Thanks to all of your complaining about wanting a wifi indicator I havent got a match since this patch dropped He was robbed THE VN ↑个JE BA START v /vg/vm/vmg /vr /vrpg / vst/ NI-Video Games the Midright Charel! Welcome back to MEGA MAN 8 -BIT DEATHMATCH VERSION >2020 (This counts as dubs, right?) I F------ LOVE EARWAX B PS4. O Anonymous 07/31/20(Fri)23:55:07 No.5193667 >519368187 >>519368197 >>519368202 >>519368204 >>5193 MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities VEGETA MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities There is no need MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities TJUST SAID THAT I WAS | U/ sings "bur u the light" BLM EDITION Featuring Memil from the Spramieatinn >post ITT to get your vaccine >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities AAAAAUUGGGHH!!! MERCENARY YOU DOG! YOu WEREN'T USING THE 3D PRINTER TO PRINT ME FUNGUS, YOu WERE USING IT TO GIVE NEW, NOT rthe Low Marvel's Avengers Sales Drove $63 Million Sony Loss at Square Enix MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities >MAKE /incel/ - Internet Celebrities THAT I Serles nusica WANTED Cities can rebuild, Zach. ©00200 RIP ME THE OL' RUSTY KEY! (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) YOUR SUPERIMARD NORLD2 MOOT PONT GNE YOUR Dun TERNNATE THE F------ OL' RUSTY KEY? HELP, YOU RED-FACED F----- OU'RE STI.LA SWPLE MNDED CREATURE. 1996-2020 to be upset AIways nas veen This is tewwibowe! GUC E SXSWK EVO Wait, it's all sexual predators? -PROJECT. WINGMAN GameSpew 100 Cyberpunk a77 isn't perfect, hut ulealutel drinninn wilhalmnh isnt pertect 100](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/120/630/904.jpg)
A good game to play before you die

Tom Scott makes a video on /v/
