Big Hero 6 - Images
Dear God thats pretty damn sad...
Big Hero 6
When you watch a sad movie again thinking you can handle it now.
Big Hero 6
Honey Lemon Experimenting
Big Hero 6
Eggman is Baymax, he's in there, I just know it
Big Hero 6
Big Hero 6
Baymax and Hiro
Big Hero 6
Not Fast
Big Hero 6
This may take a while.
Big Hero 6
Ahh... thanks, Chemistry classes.
Big Hero 6
Baymax gives you a fist bump.
Big Hero 6
Everyone Say Hiro.
Big Hero 6
Admit it, some of you wanted this to be true.
Big Hero 6
Big Hero 6
She is perfect!
Big Hero 6
Honey Lemon and the Selfies
Big Hero 6
Honey Lemon
Big Hero 6
Hell, even the way she walks and sits down is kinda cute.
Big Hero 6
Excuse me, maam, but, would you like some croquettes so you can stop edgily chewing on that bubblegu...
Big Hero 6
Holy sh*t, Disney!
Big Hero 6
I just love how she pops that bubblegum.
Big Hero 6