Dungeons and Dragons - Images
If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home! | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
What’s your AC again? | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
It’s fine I didn’t want to give someone an infernal wound *anyway* | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
a n g y | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
Is Shrek responsible for the whole seducing the dragon trope? | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
We might be just as vile, but hey, at least we’re having fun | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
DM rolled a nat 1 on his wisdom saving throw | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
Due to a complaint, made this shorter, tldr, the Druid/Barbarian had an idea, it diddnt go too well ...

Dungeons and Dragons
Not attacking the enemy anyway, possibly myself though | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
The DM is allowed some fun too | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
Happened tonight. He killed one player, nearly two. He also nearly escaped and a lucky, epic javelin...

Dungeons and Dragons
This literally happened today and lets just say, this time, the barbarian diddnt mean to cause the m...

Dungeons and Dragons
The Bard put in a cursed Ring of Fire Immunity, which turned into a Ring of Fire Vunerability when t...

Dungeons and Dragons
“Smells like burnt leather!” | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons
A mercy monk who uses healing to torture others, an open hand monk who studied martial arts to domin...

Dungeons and Dragons
If you've ever used a new sword to kill the guy who sold it to you... | /r/dndmemes

Dungeons and Dragons