Johnny Test - Images
Johnny Test title card: Johnny X vs The President
Johnny Test
/co/ Reacts to The Johnny Test Reboot
![File: JINNY-TESTLpng (475 KB, 811x545) Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:28:39 No.114691359 >>114691420 >>114691622 >>114691625 >>114691751 >>114691944 >>114692003 >>114693898 >>114695295 >>114696958 >>114701026 >>114704751 >>114707176 >>114712296 >>114712863 how the f--- does this 2020 reboot manage to be FAR WORSE then the already bad originals >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:29:49 No.114691384 >114693898 What a bunch of Mary Sue. * O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:31:52 No.114691420 >>114691500 >>114691359 (OP) how bad was it? O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:36:46 No.114691500 >>114691557 >>114691622 >>114691690 >>114691720 >>114691898 >>114692053 >>114692141 >>114692167 >>114692175 >>114692288 >>114692315 >>114692437 >>114692482 >>114692654 >>114692801 >>114694060 >>114694098 >>114694402 >>114694501>>114694621 >>114694657 >>114694681 >>114694755 >>114694791 >>114694884 >>114694969 >>114694972 >>114695199 >>114695267 >>114695316 >>114695556 >>114695630 >>114695644 >>114695701 >>114695754 >>114696519 >>114696873 >>114696899 >>114696997 >>114697316 >>114697410 >>114697480 >>114697524 >>114697603 >>114697679 >>114697929 >>114698687 >>114699018 >>114700050 >>114700327 >>114700360 >>114700402 >>114701260 >>114701471 >114706644 >>114707031 >>114709027 >>114709191 >>114709809 >>114710858 >>114710885 >>114710914 >>114710999 >>114711242 >>114711275 >>114711321 >>114711403 >>114711471 >>114711520 >>114711600 >>114711725 >>114711729 >>114711791 >>114711872 >>114712900 >>114712935 >>114713048 >>114713110 >>114713960 >>114714561 >>114715801 >>114716241 >>114716302 >>114717084 >>114717144 >>114717219 >>114717406 >>114691420 [Remove] O The League of Johnnys - Johnny Test: The Lost Web Series Copy link >replaced voice cast >s------- voice acting >worse animation >worse jokes >lower budget >outdated slang >recolors >nonsense plot >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:47:21 No.114691690 ► File: 1580793149074 gif (995 KB, 500x400) O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:52:52 No.114691798 >>114710691 * O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:12:29 No.114692180 >>114695981 >>114701050 File: EXBÍEluWkAAc_ld.png (100 KB, 282x217) O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:32:55 No.114692634 >>114694245 >>114701407 File: PanGen2.png (89 KB, 591x818) Johnny Test will save western animation. Mark my words /co/ >>114691500 WHAT THE F--- IS THAT ANIMATION?! I'm pickle Johnny! >yfw Pan tried to warn us https://youtu.belyhl-91orVVo [Embed] * O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:19:02 No.114692315 >114692402 File: file.png (118 KB, 690x388) >>114691500 literally deviantart tier O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:26:24 No.114692482 > >>114691500 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:11:57 No.114694501 >>114694657 File: Yep it's me the Junko.jpg (67 KB, 1080x1132) What the f--- am I looking at? O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:24:23 No.114692437 >>114711633 File: test.png (215 KB, 631x352) >>114691500 Holy Christ what the hell is that >>114691500 >The web series premiered on May 2nd, 2020 as Johnny Test: The Lost Web Series, starting with the episode "The League of Johnnys". >None of the original voice cast return for the web series. >On January 23, 2020, WildBrain confirmed a television revival/7th season of the show was being produced at its >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:40:56 No.114692801 File: fb6.jpg (48 KB, 613x531) NOPE. EVEN I DON'T WANT THIS ONE, mdad >>114691500 Vancouver studio. Oh well, at least the TV show won't be worse than this... I hope. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:15:46 No.114695754 File: 1578561190968.jpg (57 KB, 730x689) O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)23:46:27 No.114694060 ► > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00: File: mmmmmm.png (110 KB, 418x384) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:18:21 No.114694621 >>114696898 File: 1551122854123.png (269 KB, 588x550) No.11469 >>>114694657 >>114696898 >>114691500 >>114691500 Was this f------ drawn in MS paint? MY EYES >>114691500 Who the f--- asked for this? MY EYES >>114691500 Who was it? >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)23:48:38 No.114694098 ► Who was the retard that asked for this to come back? I want names. >>114691500 The idea was pretty good. Everything else ranged from meh to insultingly incompetent. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:21:20 No.114694681 > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:35:56 No.114694969 > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:03:40 No.114696873 > File: hell.png (333 KB, 512x812) >>114691500 >coppa'd F------ hell, I wanted to read the comments >>114691500 HOW CAN YOU MAKE AN EVEN WORSE ANIMATION THAT THE OG JOHNNY TEST? SERIOUSLY >>114691500 I'm not even mad. I'm impressed. >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:24:54 No.114694755 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:48:55 No.114695199 ► File: 1552606415625.jpg (31 KB, 501x501) >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:36:09 No.114694972 > >>114691500 Zone's flash p---- had better animation than this >>114691500 >not even a minute in Its here Clell has arived. >>114691500 Even the whipcrack is not the same, it's been pitched down. >whipcrack O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:27:02 No.114694791 * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:04:41 No.114696899 > File: 1576294728741.jpg (46 KB, 500x375) #NOTMYJOHNNYTEST >>114691500 at least they kept the whip crack >>114691500 What the f---. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:52:49 No.114695267 >>114696919 >>114697070 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:55:20 No.114695316 > File: 1554621687724.jpg (85 KB, 640x640) >>114691500 Holy f--- Homestar Runner was better animated than this >>114691500 That " "'battle" "' scene against the evil Jonny was the worst thing I've ever seen. Literally what was he even doing as much as i love homestar, animation was never its strong suit O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:21:58 No.114697410 ► File: 20180616_204701.jpg (87 KB, 466x403) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:18:26 No.114697289 >114697609 >>114701288 File: jt png (112 KB, 327x252) UNACCEPTABLE >>114691500 What the hell did I just witness? > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:06:09 No.114695556 ► File: 1316258720001.jpg (3 KB, 200x150) How did Zone do their own cartoon better O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:07:04 No.114696958 ► File: B532B521-4A29-4C4À-AA67-D(..),png (637 KB, 765x549) >>114691500 Not like JT was ever good, but holy f---, I did not expect something this bad I hope that one anon is happy with the Master Chief collection on PC >>114691359 (OP) W--?? * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:19:07 No.114697316 >>114697349 File: Screenshot 20200502-18542().jpg (296 KB, 1078x614) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:09:13 No.114695630 ► >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:08:19 No.114696997 ► File: C8229CA9-0851-4723-8964-2(--).jpg (22 KB, 625x349) >>114691500 Animation is my passion >>114691500 That Animation was atrocious. >>114691500 What the f---. Ok Look I know the whole "old cartoon show gets rebooted and looks like s---" is basically a rule of the industry now, as was the case with O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:10:08 No.114695644 ► >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:24:06 No.114697480 > >>114691500 >lower budget That's the only answer that you need. nuPPG and Thundercats But how the m--------- do you do worse than OG Johnny Test? This s--- looks like a 2003 Newgrounds cartoon. Son of a bitch >>114691500 WHO MADE THIS * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:25:40 No.114697524 File: 1546505951857.jpg (84 KB, 913x1024) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:31:06 No.114697679 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:28:40 No.114697603 ► >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:10:44 No.114695658 ► File: Only_the_dead_can_know_pe(...).jpg (47 KB, 600x588) ONLY THE DEAD CAN >>114691500 I want to say something, but I really don't have anything to say about this. >>114691500 >they replaced Teedus as the VA for Johnny >>114691500 >>114694657 Look at the other way All those shows were never (and hopefully will never be) subjected to this torture of quality KNOW PEACE FROM THIS EVIL O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)03:22:11 No.114699018 * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)03:10:14 No.114698687 ► File: image.png (77 KB, 270x257) >>114691500 Was I the only one that liked the previous voice cast? >>114691500 I dropped out within the first minute. H-------- that was awful. Also, put me in the screencap. НАНАНАНА АНАНАНАНА АНАНАНАНА НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНА АНАНАНАНА НАНАНАНАНАНАНА O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:12:25 No.114700360 >114701023 >>114701354 * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:10:54 No.114700327 File: srs.jpg (491 KB, 806x952) НАНАНАНАНАНАНА >>114691500 Is it better or worse than that godawful Popeye webtoon? H-------- >>114691500 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:40:23 No.114697929 ► File: 1513879332502.png (221 KB, 313x389) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:01:17 No.114700050 ► File: 1587410517228.png (93 KB, 187x293) /S THIS SA CLEVER EU >>114691500 >"I KNEW YOU HAD A JETPACK" >very clearly flies with his feet ??? >>114691500 You know crazy as it sounds, you gotta respect the power level for Johnny Test to still be around and outlive so many other cartoons especially in current TTGO era of domination. Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)06:32:12 No.114704751 >114709724 >>114691359 (OP) Did they just animated some DA's oc gallery Well played Johnny, well played. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:14:07 No.114700402 Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)07:21:08 No.114706644 > >>114691500 Oh my goodness their voices all sound like a s----- Youtuber doing impressions. The one with the square glasses sounds sort of accurate to how she was in the original show. >>114691500 Hey look, God died So they don't even bother trying to give context with this reboot? I don't know if Johnny Test had some kind of ending or even gave a s--- about stuff like this but they just started this up without even giving a s---? >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)09:24:18 No.114709809 >>114709958 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)08:42:28 No.114709027 ► File: BONK.png (1.37 MB, 1410x1760) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)07:33:23 No.114707031 File: hopeisdead.png (194 KB, 309x288) >>114691500 the original original before going into flash was where it was at but this jesus >>114691500 why does this exist? v=pspna5GŻwBk [Embed] >>114691500 Why is Johnny is in love with his alternate universe self? Why is the villain a literal recoloring? Why did they keep the whip crack sound effect when thats one of the most infamous aspects of the show? How long do they honestly expect to milk this franchise? WHY THE F--- WON'T THIS SERIES DIE ALREADY? O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)09:17:14 No.114709724 > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)08:49:02 No.114709191 ► File: 82DC2BB2-9654-447C-AB1C-B(..).jpg (525 KB, 1125x807) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)06:23:19 No.114704404 >>114705026 >>114707188 File: dimes man.jpg (55 KB, 1280x720) >>114704751 Not even joking when I say that this looks like those weird "meme" animations people make with their OCs on Youtube >>114691500 What the f--- is this atrocity? >Gumball is over >OK KO is gone >Star VS is over O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:41:08 No.114711186 > File: smithers whip.gif (972 KB, 327x251) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:49:45 No.114711275 ► File: 1576847076562.jpg (48 KB, 261x327) >Wander is done >Gravity Falls is done crack that whip! >>114691500 kino >Adventure Time is over >Regular Show is over >Steven Universe is over >Every f------ cartoon from the early 2010's is done besides TTG >Every show fomr the late 2000's is done >JOHŃNY TEST PERSISTS * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:19:16 No.114710999 ► File: 1579184304925.jpg (33 KB, 720x447) >>114691500 wait, is this official? How does he do it bros? LALGHTER STOPS * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:54:07 No.114711321 File: 1584830390720.png (436 KB, 555x511) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:05:16 No.114711403 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:12:42 No.114711471 >>114711499 >>114711646 >>114714400 File: 1492744588057.jpg (60 KB, 720x540) >>114691500 This is like 2nd generation diarrhea. That's almost impressively bad. >>114691500 Am I the only one in this thread that actually enjoyed the first Johnny Test season(before it shifted to flash animation) as a kid? >>114691500 What the f------ f--- O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:17:03 No.114711508 ► File: wander_over_yonder_poster.png (186 KB, 300x439) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:25:52 No.114711600 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:17:26 No.114711520 ► File: 1579910146178.png (785 KB, 1000x779) >>114696555 >Johnny Test gets two revivals while your favorite cartoons will forever remain cancelled >>114691500 This is heartbreaking in a way i cant describe, it didnt had to go that way,it could have been an okay franchise [Embed] >>114691500 This is actually the worst. I'll watch Thundercats Roar over this Why even live? ender O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:38:43 No.114711725 ► >>114691500 My god how did they make the old flash series look GOOD? O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:39:14 No.114711729 >>114711737 >>114711790 >>114711845 >>114691500 I saw this on Twitter and I literally doubted it was real. It looks like an Indian-made Youtube cartoon for autistic children. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)14:52:27 No.114712935 ► File: f--- crash.jpg (133 KB, 682x520) >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)15:02:20 No.114713048 ► File: Green Frog Enough.png (86 KB, 600x388) F--- >>114691500 >>114691500 DELET * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)15:07:59 No.114713110 File: LR 097.jpg (17 KB, 160x185) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)16:08:37 No.114713960 > File: 20200503_100750.jpg (160 KB, 525x1080) >>114691500 >>114691500 WHO MADE THIS? Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)16:51:59 No.114714561 >114714948 >>114691500 Damn, voice cast change would be logically considering the original actors are 20 years older now. But that animation looks craaaaaappy. Early newsground flash sounds it up allright. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)19:52:15 No.114717406 ► File: shocked tyrone.gif (933 KB, 343x284) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)16:45:08 No.114714451 >>114714571 >>114714730 >>114714736 >>114714818 >>114715347 File: stev. jpg (15 KB, 314x360) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)18:43:22 No.114716241 ► >>114691500 That slow animation is f------ terrible. >no GOOD reboot for Avatar >no reboot for ed edd and eddy >no faithful reboot of Teen Titans >no reboot of courage the cowardly dog >no other reboot of pretty much any other show worth a damn >johnny f------ test gets a reboot nearly over half a decade after it was killed off this is the worst timeline Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)20:26:18 No.114718128 File: aaaaaaaaаaaаaaа.png (119 КВ, 215х231) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)20:13:44 No.114717820 >>114717996 File: 1587579648436.jpg (45 KB, 567x554) >>114691500 This really is just the worst timeline. God f------ damn, please just let the nukes drop already so I can finally enjoy the sweet, vibrant heat of death. Like, what the f---? Who asked for this? Why did they ask for this? >>114691500 why 03/5/2020 The Day /co/ witnessed Johny Test Reboot](
![File: JINNY-TESTLpng (475 KB, 811x545) Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:28:39 No.114691359 >>114691420 >>114691622 >>114691625 >>114691751 >>114691944 >>114692003 >>114693898 >>114695295 >>114696958 >>114701026 >>114704751 >>114707176 >>114712296 >>114712863 how the f--- does this 2020 reboot manage to be FAR WORSE then the already bad originals >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:29:49 No.114691384 >114693898 What a bunch of Mary Sue. * O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:31:52 No.114691420 >>114691500 >>114691359 (OP) how bad was it? O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:36:46 No.114691500 >>114691557 >>114691622 >>114691690 >>114691720 >>114691898 >>114692053 >>114692141 >>114692167 >>114692175 >>114692288 >>114692315 >>114692437 >>114692482 >>114692654 >>114692801 >>114694060 >>114694098 >>114694402 >>114694501>>114694621 >>114694657 >>114694681 >>114694755 >>114694791 >>114694884 >>114694969 >>114694972 >>114695199 >>114695267 >>114695316 >>114695556 >>114695630 >>114695644 >>114695701 >>114695754 >>114696519 >>114696873 >>114696899 >>114696997 >>114697316 >>114697410 >>114697480 >>114697524 >>114697603 >>114697679 >>114697929 >>114698687 >>114699018 >>114700050 >>114700327 >>114700360 >>114700402 >>114701260 >>114701471 >114706644 >>114707031 >>114709027 >>114709191 >>114709809 >>114710858 >>114710885 >>114710914 >>114710999 >>114711242 >>114711275 >>114711321 >>114711403 >>114711471 >>114711520 >>114711600 >>114711725 >>114711729 >>114711791 >>114711872 >>114712900 >>114712935 >>114713048 >>114713110 >>114713960 >>114714561 >>114715801 >>114716241 >>114716302 >>114717084 >>114717144 >>114717219 >>114717406 >>114691420 [Remove] O The League of Johnnys - Johnny Test: The Lost Web Series Copy link >replaced voice cast >s------- voice acting >worse animation >worse jokes >lower budget >outdated slang >recolors >nonsense plot >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:47:21 No.114691690 ► File: 1580793149074 gif (995 KB, 500x400) O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)21:52:52 No.114691798 >>114710691 * O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:12:29 No.114692180 >>114695981 >>114701050 File: EXBÍEluWkAAc_ld.png (100 KB, 282x217) O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:32:55 No.114692634 >>114694245 >>114701407 File: PanGen2.png (89 KB, 591x818) Johnny Test will save western animation. Mark my words /co/ >>114691500 WHAT THE F--- IS THAT ANIMATION?! I'm pickle Johnny! >yfw Pan tried to warn us https://youtu.belyhl-91orVVo [Embed] * O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:19:02 No.114692315 >114692402 File: file.png (118 KB, 690x388) >>114691500 literally deviantart tier O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:26:24 No.114692482 > >>114691500 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:11:57 No.114694501 >>114694657 File: Yep it's me the Junko.jpg (67 KB, 1080x1132) What the f--- am I looking at? O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:24:23 No.114692437 >>114711633 File: test.png (215 KB, 631x352) >>114691500 Holy Christ what the hell is that >>114691500 >The web series premiered on May 2nd, 2020 as Johnny Test: The Lost Web Series, starting with the episode "The League of Johnnys". >None of the original voice cast return for the web series. >On January 23, 2020, WildBrain confirmed a television revival/7th season of the show was being produced at its >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)22:40:56 No.114692801 File: fb6.jpg (48 KB, 613x531) NOPE. EVEN I DON'T WANT THIS ONE, mdad >>114691500 Vancouver studio. Oh well, at least the TV show won't be worse than this... I hope. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:15:46 No.114695754 File: 1578561190968.jpg (57 KB, 730x689) O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)23:46:27 No.114694060 ► > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00: File: mmmmmm.png (110 KB, 418x384) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:18:21 No.114694621 >>114696898 File: 1551122854123.png (269 KB, 588x550) No.11469 >>>114694657 >>114696898 >>114691500 >>114691500 Was this f------ drawn in MS paint? MY EYES >>114691500 Who the f--- asked for this? MY EYES >>114691500 Who was it? >> O Anonymous 05/02/20(Sat)23:48:38 No.114694098 ► Who was the retard that asked for this to come back? I want names. >>114691500 The idea was pretty good. Everything else ranged from meh to insultingly incompetent. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:21:20 No.114694681 > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:35:56 No.114694969 > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:03:40 No.114696873 > File: hell.png (333 KB, 512x812) >>114691500 >coppa'd F------ hell, I wanted to read the comments >>114691500 HOW CAN YOU MAKE AN EVEN WORSE ANIMATION THAT THE OG JOHNNY TEST? SERIOUSLY >>114691500 I'm not even mad. I'm impressed. >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:24:54 No.114694755 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:48:55 No.114695199 ► File: 1552606415625.jpg (31 KB, 501x501) >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:36:09 No.114694972 > >>114691500 Zone's flash p---- had better animation than this >>114691500 >not even a minute in Its here Clell has arived. >>114691500 Even the whipcrack is not the same, it's been pitched down. >whipcrack O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:27:02 No.114694791 * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:04:41 No.114696899 > File: 1576294728741.jpg (46 KB, 500x375) #NOTMYJOHNNYTEST >>114691500 at least they kept the whip crack >>114691500 What the f---. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:52:49 No.114695267 >>114696919 >>114697070 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)00:55:20 No.114695316 > File: 1554621687724.jpg (85 KB, 640x640) >>114691500 Holy f--- Homestar Runner was better animated than this >>114691500 That " "'battle" "' scene against the evil Jonny was the worst thing I've ever seen. Literally what was he even doing as much as i love homestar, animation was never its strong suit O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:21:58 No.114697410 ► File: 20180616_204701.jpg (87 KB, 466x403) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:18:26 No.114697289 >114697609 >>114701288 File: jt png (112 KB, 327x252) UNACCEPTABLE >>114691500 What the hell did I just witness? > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:06:09 No.114695556 ► File: 1316258720001.jpg (3 KB, 200x150) How did Zone do their own cartoon better O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:07:04 No.114696958 ► File: B532B521-4A29-4C4À-AA67-D(..),png (637 KB, 765x549) >>114691500 Not like JT was ever good, but holy f---, I did not expect something this bad I hope that one anon is happy with the Master Chief collection on PC >>114691359 (OP) W--?? * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:19:07 No.114697316 >>114697349 File: Screenshot 20200502-18542().jpg (296 KB, 1078x614) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:09:13 No.114695630 ► >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:08:19 No.114696997 ► File: C8229CA9-0851-4723-8964-2(--).jpg (22 KB, 625x349) >>114691500 Animation is my passion >>114691500 That Animation was atrocious. >>114691500 What the f---. Ok Look I know the whole "old cartoon show gets rebooted and looks like s---" is basically a rule of the industry now, as was the case with O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:10:08 No.114695644 ► >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:24:06 No.114697480 > >>114691500 >lower budget That's the only answer that you need. nuPPG and Thundercats But how the m--------- do you do worse than OG Johnny Test? This s--- looks like a 2003 Newgrounds cartoon. Son of a bitch >>114691500 WHO MADE THIS * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:25:40 No.114697524 File: 1546505951857.jpg (84 KB, 913x1024) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:31:06 No.114697679 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:28:40 No.114697603 ► >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)01:10:44 No.114695658 ► File: Only_the_dead_can_know_pe(...).jpg (47 KB, 600x588) ONLY THE DEAD CAN >>114691500 I want to say something, but I really don't have anything to say about this. >>114691500 >they replaced Teedus as the VA for Johnny >>114691500 >>114694657 Look at the other way All those shows were never (and hopefully will never be) subjected to this torture of quality KNOW PEACE FROM THIS EVIL O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)03:22:11 No.114699018 * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)03:10:14 No.114698687 ► File: image.png (77 KB, 270x257) >>114691500 Was I the only one that liked the previous voice cast? >>114691500 I dropped out within the first minute. H-------- that was awful. Also, put me in the screencap. НАНАНАНА АНАНАНАНА АНАНАНАНА НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНА АНАНАНАНА НАНАНАНАНАНАНА O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:12:25 No.114700360 >114701023 >>114701354 * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:10:54 No.114700327 File: srs.jpg (491 KB, 806x952) НАНАНАНАНАНАНА >>114691500 Is it better or worse than that godawful Popeye webtoon? H-------- >>114691500 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)02:40:23 No.114697929 ► File: 1513879332502.png (221 KB, 313x389) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:01:17 No.114700050 ► File: 1587410517228.png (93 KB, 187x293) /S THIS SA CLEVER EU >>114691500 >"I KNEW YOU HAD A JETPACK" >very clearly flies with his feet ??? >>114691500 You know crazy as it sounds, you gotta respect the power level for Johnny Test to still be around and outlive so many other cartoons especially in current TTGO era of domination. Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)06:32:12 No.114704751 >114709724 >>114691359 (OP) Did they just animated some DA's oc gallery Well played Johnny, well played. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)04:14:07 No.114700402 Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)07:21:08 No.114706644 > >>114691500 Oh my goodness their voices all sound like a s----- Youtuber doing impressions. The one with the square glasses sounds sort of accurate to how she was in the original show. >>114691500 Hey look, God died So they don't even bother trying to give context with this reboot? I don't know if Johnny Test had some kind of ending or even gave a s--- about stuff like this but they just started this up without even giving a s---? >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)09:24:18 No.114709809 >>114709958 O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)08:42:28 No.114709027 ► File: BONK.png (1.37 MB, 1410x1760) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)07:33:23 No.114707031 File: hopeisdead.png (194 KB, 309x288) >>114691500 the original original before going into flash was where it was at but this jesus >>114691500 why does this exist? v=pspna5GŻwBk [Embed] >>114691500 Why is Johnny is in love with his alternate universe self? Why is the villain a literal recoloring? Why did they keep the whip crack sound effect when thats one of the most infamous aspects of the show? How long do they honestly expect to milk this franchise? WHY THE F--- WON'T THIS SERIES DIE ALREADY? O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)09:17:14 No.114709724 > O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)08:49:02 No.114709191 ► File: 82DC2BB2-9654-447C-AB1C-B(..).jpg (525 KB, 1125x807) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)06:23:19 No.114704404 >>114705026 >>114707188 File: dimes man.jpg (55 KB, 1280x720) >>114704751 Not even joking when I say that this looks like those weird "meme" animations people make with their OCs on Youtube >>114691500 What the f--- is this atrocity? >Gumball is over >OK KO is gone >Star VS is over O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:41:08 No.114711186 > File: smithers whip.gif (972 KB, 327x251) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:49:45 No.114711275 ► File: 1576847076562.jpg (48 KB, 261x327) >Wander is done >Gravity Falls is done crack that whip! >>114691500 kino >Adventure Time is over >Regular Show is over >Steven Universe is over >Every f------ cartoon from the early 2010's is done besides TTG >Every show fomr the late 2000's is done >JOHŃNY TEST PERSISTS * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:19:16 No.114710999 ► File: 1579184304925.jpg (33 KB, 720x447) >>114691500 wait, is this official? How does he do it bros? LALGHTER STOPS * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)11:54:07 No.114711321 File: 1584830390720.png (436 KB, 555x511) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:05:16 No.114711403 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:12:42 No.114711471 >>114711499 >>114711646 >>114714400 File: 1492744588057.jpg (60 KB, 720x540) >>114691500 This is like 2nd generation diarrhea. That's almost impressively bad. >>114691500 Am I the only one in this thread that actually enjoyed the first Johnny Test season(before it shifted to flash animation) as a kid? >>114691500 What the f------ f--- O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:17:03 No.114711508 ► File: wander_over_yonder_poster.png (186 KB, 300x439) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:25:52 No.114711600 ► O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:17:26 No.114711520 ► File: 1579910146178.png (785 KB, 1000x779) >>114696555 >Johnny Test gets two revivals while your favorite cartoons will forever remain cancelled >>114691500 This is heartbreaking in a way i cant describe, it didnt had to go that way,it could have been an okay franchise [Embed] >>114691500 This is actually the worst. I'll watch Thundercats Roar over this Why even live? ender O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:38:43 No.114711725 ► >>114691500 My god how did they make the old flash series look GOOD? O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)12:39:14 No.114711729 >>114711737 >>114711790 >>114711845 >>114691500 I saw this on Twitter and I literally doubted it was real. It looks like an Indian-made Youtube cartoon for autistic children. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)14:52:27 No.114712935 ► File: f--- crash.jpg (133 KB, 682x520) >> O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)15:02:20 No.114713048 ► File: Green Frog Enough.png (86 KB, 600x388) F--- >>114691500 >>114691500 DELET * O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)15:07:59 No.114713110 File: LR 097.jpg (17 KB, 160x185) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)16:08:37 No.114713960 > File: 20200503_100750.jpg (160 KB, 525x1080) >>114691500 >>114691500 WHO MADE THIS? Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)16:51:59 No.114714561 >114714948 >>114691500 Damn, voice cast change would be logically considering the original actors are 20 years older now. But that animation looks craaaaaappy. Early newsground flash sounds it up allright. O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)19:52:15 No.114717406 ► File: shocked tyrone.gif (933 KB, 343x284) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)16:45:08 No.114714451 >>114714571 >>114714730 >>114714736 >>114714818 >>114715347 File: stev. jpg (15 KB, 314x360) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)18:43:22 No.114716241 ► >>114691500 That slow animation is f------ terrible. >no GOOD reboot for Avatar >no reboot for ed edd and eddy >no faithful reboot of Teen Titans >no reboot of courage the cowardly dog >no other reboot of pretty much any other show worth a damn >johnny f------ test gets a reboot nearly over half a decade after it was killed off this is the worst timeline Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)20:26:18 No.114718128 File: aaaaaaaaаaaаaaа.png (119 КВ, 215х231) O Anonymous 05/03/20(Sun)20:13:44 No.114717820 >>114717996 File: 1587579648436.jpg (45 KB, 567x554) >>114691500 This really is just the worst timeline. God f------ damn, please just let the nukes drop already so I can finally enjoy the sweet, vibrant heat of death. Like, what the f---? Who asked for this? Why did they ask for this? >>114691500 why 03/5/2020 The Day /co/ witnessed Johny Test Reboot](
Johnny Test
Johnny IntCEST

Johnny Test
Pickle Johnny
![Look *[[WHIPCRACK]]* Dukey! I *[[WHIPCRACK]]* turned *[[WHIPCRACK]]* myself *[[WHIPCRACK]]* into *[[WHIPCRACK]]* a * [[WHIPCRACK]]* pickle! *[[WHIPCRACK]]*
I'm [*[WHIPCRACK]]* Pickle *[[WHIPCRACK]]* Johhny! *[[WHIPCRACK]]*](
![Look *[[WHIPCRACK]]* Dukey! I *[[WHIPCRACK]]* turned *[[WHIPCRACK]]* myself *[[WHIPCRACK]]* into *[[WHIPCRACK]]* a * [[WHIPCRACK]]* pickle! *[[WHIPCRACK]]*
I'm [*[WHIPCRACK]]* Pickle *[[WHIPCRACK]]* Johhny! *[[WHIPCRACK]]*](
Johnny Test
who needs good animation?

Johnny Test
no god

Johnny Test

Johnny Test
Canon Rule 63 From Today's Episode

Johnny Test
...Johnsuke Higashikatest
Johnny Test
Original character do not steal

Johnny Test

Johnny Test
Fanboy & Chum Chum BUT AWESOME

Johnny Test
Johnny Test Waifu

Johnny Test
just when you thought it was over

Johnny Test
He's back..

Johnny Test
for when you crack the whip a bit too hard

Johnny Test