Lethal Company - Images
Bracken doodle :)

Lethal Company

Lethal Company
Me and my more experienced friend be like

Lethal Company
Most successful mission

Lethal Company
Flowerfraud bows down to the Company God

Lethal Company
The hive beckons.

Lethal Company
he's right behind me, isn't he?

Lethal Company
Running from a Thumper and you trip over the puppy

Lethal Company
Now I kinda see them as colleagues

Lethal Company
Profit Quota : 1680/1700

Lethal Company
Hoping not to get kicked for the 1000th time before you even land today be like

Lethal Company
A fellow employee scribbled a quick sketch of our first real dog encounter as we were flushed out the airlock for failing quota

Lethal Company
I hate her

Lethal Company
Happened way too many times

Lethal Company
Tier list based on how much they effect quota

Lethal Company
We don't get paid nearly enough.
Lethal Company