Megalopolis (2024) - Images
i swear to god this is how 90% of the scenes in megalopolis look

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis fake quote trailer

Megalopolis (2024)
Lionsgate Pulls ‘Megalopolis’ Trailer Featuring Fake Movie Critic Quotes

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)

Megalopolis (2024)
Megalopolis (2024)
![F#A#00, fka @coopercooperco Saying a digital effect "could've been done in ten minutes" is real bozo speak for "I have no clue how long digital effects take or how they work." • Steven Sheil @SSheil May 14 Article in The Guardian about problems on set with Megalopolis. I (obviously) haven't seen it yet, but complaining that Coppola wanted to do an effect in- camera rather than digitally, and spent half a day rather than '10 minutes' seems wrong-headed - it's a creative preference. Adam Driver's first day on set was particularly memorable, a source suggests. One aspect of the story involves Driver's character's body fusing with some futuristic organic material. Rather than using digital techniques, Coppola wanted to achieve the effect through old-school methods, using projectors and mirrors, much as he had done on Dracula, 30 years earlier. “That's great, except nobody can move," says the crew member. “So they basically strapped Adam Driver into a chair for six hours, and they literally took a $100 projector and projected an image on the side of his head. I'm all for experimentation, but this is really what you want to do the first day with your $10m actor?" The effect would have been quick and easy to create digitally, they say. “So he [Coppola] spends literally half of a day on what could have been done in 10 minutes." • 9:23 AM May 14, 2024 134.3K Views](
![F#A#00, fka @coopercooperco Saying a digital effect "could've been done in ten minutes" is real bozo speak for "I have no clue how long digital effects take or how they work." • Steven Sheil @SSheil May 14 Article in The Guardian about problems on set with Megalopolis. I (obviously) haven't seen it yet, but complaining that Coppola wanted to do an effect in- camera rather than digitally, and spent half a day rather than '10 minutes' seems wrong-headed - it's a creative preference. Adam Driver's first day on set was particularly memorable, a source suggests. One aspect of the story involves Driver's character's body fusing with some futuristic organic material. Rather than using digital techniques, Coppola wanted to achieve the effect through old-school methods, using projectors and mirrors, much as he had done on Dracula, 30 years earlier. “That's great, except nobody can move," says the crew member. “So they basically strapped Adam Driver into a chair for six hours, and they literally took a $100 projector and projected an image on the side of his head. I'm all for experimentation, but this is really what you want to do the first day with your $10m actor?" The effect would have been quick and easy to create digitally, they say. “So he [Coppola] spends literally half of a day on what could have been done in 10 minutes." • 9:23 AM May 14, 2024 134.3K Views](
Megalopolis (2024)