PaRappa the Rapper - Images
Based off a parappa tweet I saw one day...
PaRappa the Rapper
you rollin awful!
PaRappa the Rapper

PaRappa the Rapper
parap da rap

PaRappa the Rapper
Lammy Eats a Borgar

PaRappa the Rapper
Teriyaki Kills Lammy

PaRappa the Rapper
PaRappa the Rapper
Lamb Tools

PaRappa the Rapper
Parappa and Um Jammer Lammy

PaRappa the Rapper
That's rather rude to say, PaRappa.
PaRappa the Rapper
Make It Sweet!

PaRappa the Rapper
LAMMY ♿ and parrappa

PaRappa the Rapper
PaRappa be pimpin'!

PaRappa the Rapper
UM JAMMER LAMMY by crispyattucks

PaRappa the Rapper
Jammy Lammy

PaRappa the Rapper
added some more sorry

PaRappa the Rapper