Rude John "the Realist"
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Greek cult trolling persona known in multiple sites for being banned for rude behaviour,but also being loved for his realistic thinking , which becomes rude quite often .Uncountable fights , unlimited times being banned because of the " elleinida phenomenon"(ellinida=greek woman , ell(e)inida=new age rude,anorgasmic,feminist greek woman) " .His nemesis is feminist women , "poets" of facebook and everything that looks like a slag or a snail in form and thinking.His words of wisdom and PURE/RAW REALISM mirror the real face of our society , especially the modern Greek…Truth is like a piece of iron…IT ALWAYS HURTS WHEN IT HITS YOU !!!
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Mar 21, 2012 at 04:04PM EDT
Mar 21, 2012 at 07:25PM EDT