Steven Universe - Images
Human Peridot

Steven Universe
peridot pillow

Steven Universe
Out of all the things to have in common with T-Pain, I did not expect it to be watching Steven Unive...

Steven Universe
Rose and Bismuth

Steven Universe
i can’t get over how peridot actually seemed kind of threatening when she first appeared and now she...

Steven Universe
Everything Stays, by thesketcherlass

Steven Universe
So this is what Homeworld thinks of fusion.

Steven Universe
Peridot loves Doritos

Steven Universe
A better alternative to amputee, I guess?

Steven Universe
A theory that appeared in my mind one day.

Steven Universe
Gemrassic (Home)World

Steven Universe
She'll always get away, and if you think she can't, she'll always find a way.

Steven Universe
Steven Universe Characters as Myers Briggs Types

Steven Universe
Robo Gems

Steven Universe
A StevenBomb3 Nightmare

Steven Universe
"Look at the babies sleeping together"

Steven Universe