Touhou Project (東方Project) - Images
Inside you cosplaying as a kidney stone
Touhou Project (東方Project)
"What does Sakuya think Patchouli is?"
Touhou Project (東方Project)
You read too much
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Go online,Let's play Dota2 together!
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Remember when I said "shut the fuck up" and then you didn't and you kept talking?
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Your blood is almost 93 % alchohol how the hell...? 👍
Touhou Project (東方Project)
koishi is a silly
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Patchouli Knowledge stripe game (The Finale). R-run! before she stripes all of u- ││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Patchouli Knowledge stripe game (part 4). Patchouli is the type to snore like "honk shoo honk shoo"
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Patchouli Knowledge stripe game (Part 3). There's no escape from the stripening
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Patchouli Knowledge stripe game (part 2). I found a colored alcohol marker to stripe her with... but we all know it's not enough, we need to stripe her more
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Patchouli Knowledge stripe game. If i reach the like and rt goal I will stripe her
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Chen really likes her new feeder
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Alice Margatroid
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Video game ads back in the day were always like this
Touhou Project (東方Project)
PC-98 Reimu Hakurei (Touhou) comm
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Important Question
Touhou Project (東方Project)
well that buddy fullish his dream than complete project eh? good for him :D
Touhou Project (東方Project)
POV: reimu is hungry
Touhou Project (東方Project)
Hey you, you're finally awake. -by Peargor
Touhou Project (東方Project)