That Happened - Images
The end of times

That Happened
Need me a friend like that

That Happened

That Happened

That Happened
A Christmas tale
![Thread < Back 82.1K views 10h Follow My 15-year-old just looked up from the couch & said: "Ever think about how Santa Claus imagery is just like Christian iconography? Which makes sense-he's basically America's chief deity. He's like any other God ―omnipotent, watching us all the time, insisting on 'good behavior,' punishing or rewarding ...but the religion he represents is Capitalism." Pause. "He's a Capitalist religious icon & our worship of him is consumerism." [Goes back to their phone.] The kids are alright. C e](
![Thread < Back 82.1K views 10h Follow My 15-year-old just looked up from the couch & said: "Ever think about how Santa Claus imagery is just like Christian iconography? Which makes sense-he's basically America's chief deity. He's like any other God ―omnipotent, watching us all the time, insisting on 'good behavior,' punishing or rewarding ...but the religion he represents is Capitalism." Pause. "He's a Capitalist religious icon & our worship of him is consumerism." [Goes back to their phone.] The kids are alright. C e](
That Happened
Whatever you want to believe...

That Happened
Kids got bank

That Happened
Natural selection, or something

That Happened
Poor kid

That Happened

That Happened
Down with Target

That Happened
Read the signs, woman!

That Happened
A true hero!

That Happened
What a guy

That Happened
Seems believable

That Happened
Happy New Year

That Happened