That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo - Trending Images
You can't just say Sugoi to everything!

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You cant just respond to everything with finger guns by upsilion (thelowradio / jvpiters)

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can't just use humor as a defense mechanism to avoid addressing deeper problems forever
That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
This is the wrong kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
He speaks from experience.

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can’t just hide your crippling depression and suicidal thoughts behind memes

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can't just make up words

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Total Wrong Island

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
me irl

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
A grand exception

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can't deliver all those gifts in one night!

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
That's where you're loss kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Tumblr Edition

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
When kiddos are wrong

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Mike Pence

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can’t show off and expect girls to love you Johnny

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Image Gallery Comment Section Logic

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo