Big Booty Bitches

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
Garfield The Ass Was Fat

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
Tropical Storm Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
![ile : 1328674369 KB, 548x333, Arthur and Sue Ellen png) Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)231249 No 379691064 Someone PLEASE provide me with some nasty pics of these two. Im the type of person that always ships two characters whenever I watch a cartoon...and for Arthur, it was this couple. Whenever I watched Arthur, Id always pretend I was him, and I was trying to hook up with Sue Ellen-that's why my favorite episode is the one where Sue Ellen lost her diary. That's the episode where at the end, she hints at Arthur that she likes him That's the greatest episode of Arthur EVER-yet the show's creators never really expanded on that. Instead they continued to make references to Arthur and Francine being together F--- Francine, she looks like a monkey. I wouldin't mind if it was Muffy - she got a monkey face too but at least she's light-skinned. With Sue Ellen, you got the best of everything: she's light-skinned, got a cute face, plus the ass was fat Ialso wouldnt mind that rabbit bitch who always had her hair over her eyes; I think her name was Molly. She never used to get my d--- hard until that episode 'Arthur Makes Waves', where she came out wearing this sexy swimsuit, showin off her B cups and them sexy white legs. Bitch was lookin thick as f---...the ass was fat. Anyway, I digress. The point is, I wanna see some pictures of Arthur diggin out Sue Ellen Jesus Christ, Ive been fantasizing about Sue Ellen ever since that episode where she was wearing that green bikini when she went to the beach with Arthur, Buster, Brain and Binky. Oh God, yall should've seen this bitch in that bikini. She was lookin' fine. The ass was fat, and you could tell she had some good-ass p---- 've already tried Googling for some quality pics but I got nothing more than the same 3 pictures Ive already seen a million times. Please help, /bi Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:18.05 No.379692232 File1328674685129-(34 KB. 370x389, pnntB51Jpg) What.... w.hat am I reading? Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:18 27 No.379692310 File 1328674707 ipg(67 KB, 600x450, 1319274937 jpg) Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue123.29:34 No.379694826 been watching the rest of the episode, arthur is so in with a hot well developed chick, what with being the nerd he is, how the tuck.. he should have tapped that sweet ass 02107/12(Tue 123:31:08 No.379695161 File1328675468 ipg-(14 KB, 479x462, 129462947524 jpg) 379691064 Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23.31.34 No 379695259 379694794 We just find your descriptions of bunnies and rodents that are like 12 being thick, hot, and whatever else you said pretty funny othe ass was fat Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23 40 36 No 379697274 OP again. I don't think it's any different from the anime and furry pom s--- we always see on here. Only difference is the characters are a bit underage and are from an American kids' cartoon. Not a big deal to me And also, they look more human than animal so it's not that weird. And it's not my fault the animators drew the little girls to look so shapely and wear skimpy clothes. Look at the episode where Sue Ellen went to the beach with the boys and NO ather girls. You cant tell me they weren't trying to sencd a message, with her being the only girl with them, and wearing a skimpy bikini. The show's creators knew what they were doing there s 02/07/12(Tue )23:44:00 No.379697986 File13286762401 2416 KB. 377x527, Ⅲ.jpg) OP dosent realise he's a comedy genius 02/07/12(Tue123:53:26 No.379699770 File132867EBO5 ing-(50 KB, 320x232, 1308642142. jpg) got a cute face, plus the ass was fat the ass was fat s the ass was fat If this phrase isnt meme-worthy then I don't know what is Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue23.53.27 No 37969977 File-3286768071294% KB. 281x211, Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00.41.32 No.379709116 File 1328679692 jpg(78 KB, 450x752, sue ellen.jpg) A STORY I JUST WROTE FOR OP I sat alone on my comforter as I listened to DW talk to to her stupid invisible friend. I found myself wish I could have an friend that I could talk to about things that noone else would ever give enough of a s--- to listen to. And suddenly I realized, WHY NOT? I closed my eyes and began to imagine who the perfect friend would be; perferably someone both attractive and cool. I decided it would be a gil, since the most attractive male I could imagine was Buster, my b, and I already talked to him so often, it would be awkward dI tried to finish a discussion with real Buster I had with fake Buster accidentally Then I realized: SUE ELLEN Sue Ellen's a pretty cool chick, and since I dont talk to her eveyday, she would make for a perfect imaginary friend when I really needed to talk Suddenly I heard her voice, opened my eyes, and there she was, dressed in her lovely green bikini What's up, Arthur?" she asked me Just realizing how bad I wanted to talk to you," I told fake Sue Ellen Talkings for p------," she said, ripping of her sweet bikini bottom, revealing her soft but s-----------. She pushed me down, climed on top, her Yeah, talkings for p------" her crotch whispered into my face. □ Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:04 49 No 379713071 THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT ■ Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:05 00 No 379713101 OMGWTFLMADBACON 10 minutes ago >Yeah, talkings for p------" her cratch whispered At the 6:29 mark..the ass was fat 15 minutes ago the ass was fat Sue Elen Armstrong is a fat-assed 3rd grader in Mr. Ratbum's class at Lakewood Elementary School She was originaly voiced by Patricia Rodriguez, but is currently voiced by Jessica 贂Anonymous 02/08/1 2rwed)01: 10:38 No. 379714150 ago File 1328681438 ipa(206 KB, 477x357 ipg) You know Mr. Ratbum wants to get it in! Bitch was lookin thick as f---. the ass was fat Fstar15 1 hour ago Contents [show] The ass was fat Anonymous 0208/12(Wed)01 13:17 No 379714646 File 1328681597 ipg-(216 KB, 477x357, arthurseesafatass2 jpg) EONLY Sue Ellen is a cat who is depicted with a tan complexion, curly orange hair worn in pigtails, and wears a teal dress with a cream-colored vest over it and rod and white sneakers. Her ass was fat. In the early Arthur books, her hair was worn loose; although she was given her pigtails starting with the book Arthur's TV Trouble. In some of the later books, her hair color ranged from blonde to yellow-orange. Sue Ellen is assertive DMJR13 The ass was fat. WAS FAT □ Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01: 1 523 No. 3797 15021 A CARTOON THE ASS WAS FAT WASFA](
![ile : 1328674369 KB, 548x333, Arthur and Sue Ellen png) Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)231249 No 379691064 Someone PLEASE provide me with some nasty pics of these two. Im the type of person that always ships two characters whenever I watch a cartoon...and for Arthur, it was this couple. Whenever I watched Arthur, Id always pretend I was him, and I was trying to hook up with Sue Ellen-that's why my favorite episode is the one where Sue Ellen lost her diary. That's the episode where at the end, she hints at Arthur that she likes him That's the greatest episode of Arthur EVER-yet the show's creators never really expanded on that. Instead they continued to make references to Arthur and Francine being together F--- Francine, she looks like a monkey. I wouldin't mind if it was Muffy - she got a monkey face too but at least she's light-skinned. With Sue Ellen, you got the best of everything: she's light-skinned, got a cute face, plus the ass was fat Ialso wouldnt mind that rabbit bitch who always had her hair over her eyes; I think her name was Molly. She never used to get my d--- hard until that episode 'Arthur Makes Waves', where she came out wearing this sexy swimsuit, showin off her B cups and them sexy white legs. Bitch was lookin thick as f---...the ass was fat. Anyway, I digress. The point is, I wanna see some pictures of Arthur diggin out Sue Ellen Jesus Christ, Ive been fantasizing about Sue Ellen ever since that episode where she was wearing that green bikini when she went to the beach with Arthur, Buster, Brain and Binky. Oh God, yall should've seen this bitch in that bikini. She was lookin' fine. The ass was fat, and you could tell she had some good-ass p---- 've already tried Googling for some quality pics but I got nothing more than the same 3 pictures Ive already seen a million times. Please help, /bi Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:18.05 No.379692232 File1328674685129-(34 KB. 370x389, pnntB51Jpg) What.... w.hat am I reading? Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:18 27 No.379692310 File 1328674707 ipg(67 KB, 600x450, 1319274937 jpg) Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue123.29:34 No.379694826 been watching the rest of the episode, arthur is so in with a hot well developed chick, what with being the nerd he is, how the tuck.. he should have tapped that sweet ass 02107/12(Tue 123:31:08 No.379695161 File1328675468 ipg-(14 KB, 479x462, 129462947524 jpg) 379691064 Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23.31.34 No 379695259 379694794 We just find your descriptions of bunnies and rodents that are like 12 being thick, hot, and whatever else you said pretty funny othe ass was fat Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23 40 36 No 379697274 OP again. I don't think it's any different from the anime and furry pom s--- we always see on here. Only difference is the characters are a bit underage and are from an American kids' cartoon. Not a big deal to me And also, they look more human than animal so it's not that weird. And it's not my fault the animators drew the little girls to look so shapely and wear skimpy clothes. Look at the episode where Sue Ellen went to the beach with the boys and NO ather girls. You cant tell me they weren't trying to sencd a message, with her being the only girl with them, and wearing a skimpy bikini. The show's creators knew what they were doing there s 02/07/12(Tue )23:44:00 No.379697986 File13286762401 2416 KB. 377x527, Ⅲ.jpg) OP dosent realise he's a comedy genius 02/07/12(Tue123:53:26 No.379699770 File132867EBO5 ing-(50 KB, 320x232, 1308642142. jpg) got a cute face, plus the ass was fat the ass was fat s the ass was fat If this phrase isnt meme-worthy then I don't know what is Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue23.53.27 No 37969977 File-3286768071294% KB. 281x211, Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00.41.32 No.379709116 File 1328679692 jpg(78 KB, 450x752, sue ellen.jpg) A STORY I JUST WROTE FOR OP I sat alone on my comforter as I listened to DW talk to to her stupid invisible friend. I found myself wish I could have an friend that I could talk to about things that noone else would ever give enough of a s--- to listen to. And suddenly I realized, WHY NOT? I closed my eyes and began to imagine who the perfect friend would be; perferably someone both attractive and cool. I decided it would be a gil, since the most attractive male I could imagine was Buster, my b, and I already talked to him so often, it would be awkward dI tried to finish a discussion with real Buster I had with fake Buster accidentally Then I realized: SUE ELLEN Sue Ellen's a pretty cool chick, and since I dont talk to her eveyday, she would make for a perfect imaginary friend when I really needed to talk Suddenly I heard her voice, opened my eyes, and there she was, dressed in her lovely green bikini What's up, Arthur?" she asked me Just realizing how bad I wanted to talk to you," I told fake Sue Ellen Talkings for p------," she said, ripping of her sweet bikini bottom, revealing her soft but s-----------. She pushed me down, climed on top, her Yeah, talkings for p------" her crotch whispered into my face. □ Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:04 49 No 379713071 THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT THE ASS WAS FAT ■ Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:05 00 No 379713101 OMGWTFLMADBACON 10 minutes ago >Yeah, talkings for p------" her cratch whispered At the 6:29 mark..the ass was fat 15 minutes ago the ass was fat Sue Elen Armstrong is a fat-assed 3rd grader in Mr. Ratbum's class at Lakewood Elementary School She was originaly voiced by Patricia Rodriguez, but is currently voiced by Jessica 贂Anonymous 02/08/1 2rwed)01: 10:38 No. 379714150 ago File 1328681438 ipa(206 KB, 477x357 ipg) You know Mr. Ratbum wants to get it in! Bitch was lookin thick as f---. the ass was fat Fstar15 1 hour ago Contents [show] The ass was fat Anonymous 0208/12(Wed)01 13:17 No 379714646 File 1328681597 ipg-(216 KB, 477x357, arthurseesafatass2 jpg) EONLY Sue Ellen is a cat who is depicted with a tan complexion, curly orange hair worn in pigtails, and wears a teal dress with a cream-colored vest over it and rod and white sneakers. Her ass was fat. In the early Arthur books, her hair was worn loose; although she was given her pigtails starting with the book Arthur's TV Trouble. In some of the later books, her hair color ranged from blonde to yellow-orange. Sue Ellen is assertive DMJR13 The ass was fat. WAS FAT □ Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01: 1 523 No. 3797 15021 A CARTOON THE ASS WAS FAT WASFA](
The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
The ass was fat

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
Astro says

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
Jenny's ass was fat

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass
Temp Trouble x The Ass Was Fat

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass

The Ass Was Fat / Arthur Sees A Fat Ass