Ganondorf's loftwing

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
TLOC3 poster

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
Ganon's Crown

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
Ganon's leather outfit

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
Gnon flips the bird

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
TLOC production screenshots

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
Cast of LOC2

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
LOC screenshot

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
LOC Fanart

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage
The Light of Courage sotryboard excerpt

The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage