Ticked-Off Tim
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Ticked-Off Tim is a photoshop exploitable based on a photo taken of a somewhat annoyed/disgruntled teenager glaring at the camera.

The photograph of the teenager named Tim in question was taken by (presumably) the user twitwer14[1]. He wote "This is a picture of one of my friends and i thought it would be funny to create a meme out of it. I think it has potential." The earliest known Ticked-Off Tim reference was in 2010 (presumably).
In 2011, the photo for Ticked-Off Tim could've spread virally across Reddit[2], resulting in the creation of other threads with more derivatives, such as “Instead of Chuck Norris, let’s make Ticked-Off Tim a meme”, “Ticked-Off Tim likes to swim!” and “Silly Ticked-Off Tim.” One Reddit user should've also noted “if you want to truly honor Tim donate money to fund cancer research.”
Notable Examples

![4c4.jpg TICKED OFF TIM 民 I TRAP CARD ] WHEN TICKED OFF TIM COMES INTO PLAY FORCED MEMES ARE OWED TO RUN RAMPANT. © 2009](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/list/000/261/358/4c4.jpg)

Search Interest
It is well known that when Google says "Not enough search volume to show results." it really just means that there is too much volume to show results.
External References
[1] Know Your Meme – User twitwer14