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"We Came by Bike" (Japanese: チャリで来た, Chari de kita) is the superimposed message on a photo of Japanese early teen homeboys. This catchy message and their impressive pose in the picture have been the popular fodder of photoshop, illustrations and re-enactments by Japanese internet users since late 2011.


The origin of this meme is a print club sticker picture of four Japanese homeboys pretending to be cool with fist pumping and smug look. And, the message written on the picture by themselves is: "We came by bike." (チャリで来た。).

For Japanese sensibilities, this picture looks so much ridiculous because of these reasons:

  • They wear dowdy Japanese juvenile delinquents (Bōsōzoku[1] or Yanki[2]) style fashion. Nowadays, it's considered quite uncool especially on the web.
  • All of them is too short in height and baby-faced look to wear that fashion.
  • The message isn't something to brag about at all.

It's uncertain where this picture came from, although someone says it was leaked from back data in print club sticker by video game arcade staff, or uploaded to a mobile social network service popular among junior high / high school students by themselves. At least, this picture have been occasionally posted to threads on /news4vip/ board in 2channel since late 2009, where people collect ridiculous pictures of Bōsōzoku boys and girls.


This picture began capturing the attention by itself around the end of 2011. On January 8th, 2012, a thread for collecting parodies of "We came by Bike" succeeded to gather dozens of photo collages.[3] A Twitter bot posting those photoshop collections was also launched in that month.[4] From then on, parody illustrations featuring these boys began increasing on both Japanese illustrators community pixiv[5] and niconico Seiga[6], the illustration sharing service in Nico Nico Douga (NND). People have created those parodies by rearranging the order of the letters in the title to various humorous statements in rhyme scheme.

In a reflection of this online popularity, Niwango, the company managed NND, added the "We came by bike" photo frame to their original print club sticker in the niconico headquarters shop in Harajuku, Tokyo in the following month.[7] Besides, a Japanese company YEDO FACTORY released an iphone/ipad application of superimposing "We came by Bike." style message on photos in October of that year.[8]

Response Came by Magazine

On March 2012, it made a headline on the web that the three in them appeared as friends of an interviewed girl's boyfriend on the first issue of Japanese gal fashion magazine egg JK.[9] This article mentioned their online popularity, introduced them as the famous people on the web and posted their response to the online fame: "Hey 2channel-ers, that's enough with the jokes." It was also revealed that they took this picture when they were 13 years old.

And the final sentence in the article was this confession by them: "Today, We Came by Motorbike".

ん 「ギャルが多くて !って言われるよう メーシアスするようなコトをた さん軺 ね! バイクは親戚のおじさんから 69たんだつで、「ウチ、声低 ·原付を乗り回してるのは菜津 樹c.I来年から3年生なんで、 大人系の女を目指し稟す!!, ●赤&黒のビッグスクーターが 目立っていたお2人サン、r安 全運転を0がけてるよw. 親 atがるコトで..最近· いらしいよ…ガハハ(笑)」, イケメン発見! 男友達| の tに .JK2 将来の不安は ど、その前にやせた~い(K), ワタシの今カレヤ 1.EW」 有名ブリ riのオラオラなイメージとは違って、楽しげなメンズ しかも、ファッションもオシャンティでしたv 嘢未裕chan 2ウチの高校はカ ヤツ以外ならなんでも 自由って最高だよね~ この3人とは友達とい う敦輝kは、みさみさ ●パロディが数多く存在するなど と付き合ってるんだってぇ この画像のファンは全国に多いで 美男美女カップルでうらも、本人たちは喜んでないみたい。 やましいぢゃんかよッ! (笑) ネットで話題4ARAが友達. :校生ではないケドね ·この3人は, らる「 . ドヤッ の時にR>た 、るのがこの3%% Otro ケド、トツゼ みんなテンショ だったヨ☆ 2ちゃんねらー、イイ加減にせえよ(

False Accusation

On July 10th 2012, a Japanese celebrity Dewi Sukarno[10], the third wife of the previous Indonesian leader Sukarno[11], posted a message about the Otsu bullying case[12] to her blog.[13] In that post, she totally ignored Japanese juvenile laws and aggressively blamed perpetrators with their real names and several pictures that were flowing as their faces on the web. However, one of the pictures in that post was what was captured from "We came by bike".

この少年も 京都へ転校済み。(写真:右) この少年は事件後Greeに 「滋賀県大津市で中学生が 飛び陥り自殺したの知ってる?」 罪の意識反省の色全く無し。 などと書き込んでいました この加害者少年らは 事件後 被害者の写真に 画鋲で穴をあけたり 落書きまでしていたのです この少年らよ 自殺教唆罪、傷害罪、窃盗罪、恐喝罪 などのとんでもない犯罪を犯しているのです。

Screenshot taken from Dewi Sukarno's blog post

Shortly after, she replaced their real names to initials and took down all pictures from the article. But her failure was immediately covered by not a few 2channel affiliated blogs and online gosip news sites.[14]

Notable Examples

Photo Collages

"We Came by Sledge"

"We Came to Paris"

"God Has Decended"

"We Came to the Moon"

"Spring Has Come"
牪 北

"We Came to the North"



Created by <a href="">わたのれ</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>

"We Came to London"
Created by <a href="">ppera@ついったー</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>

"We Came by EVA"
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Created by <a href="">マゼラン</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>

"We Have Been Summoned"
Created by <a href="">もろきゅー</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>

"The Shrine Maiden Has Come"
Touhou Project
Created by <a href="">閏</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>

"We Came to G.I (Greed Island)"
Created by <a href="">はるお</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>

"We Came by Teleport Alpha"


Photo by <a href="">niconico news</a>
Photo by <a href="">ニャロのゲームでわっしょい@ω@</a>

Photo by なゅんす via <a href="">BOOM SHAKA LAKA☆★</a>
Photo by <a href="">星美りかのキラキラ1番星!!!</a>
Photo by <a href="">恋羽@ぴょん</a> via <a href="">可愛い女の子とイケメンが大好物♪</a>

Search Interest

External References

[1] Wikipedia – Bōsōzoku

[2] Urban Dictionary – yanki

[3] あじゃじゃしたー – チャリで来た のコラ画像増え過ぎワロタwwwwwwww / Posted on 01-08-2012 (Thread summary, Japanese)

[4] Twitter – charide_kita

[5] pixiv – Search results for チャリで来た

[6] niconico Seiga – Search results for チャリで来た

[7] niconico Info – 「チャリで来た」プリがニコニコ本社で撮影できる! / 02-02-2012 (Japanese)

[8] iTunes App Store – チャリで来た。カメラ

[9] ニュー速VIPブログ(`・ω・´) – 「チャリで来た」の奴が雑誌にwww / Posted on 03-22-2012 (Japanese)

[10] Wikipedia – Dewi Sukarno

[11] Wikipedia – Sukarno

[12] ABC News – Kids and Laughing Teachers Bullied Suicide Teen / 07-06-2012

[13] Dewi Sukarno Official Blog – 北本市・大津市の いじめ自殺問題 悪童連を少年院に送れ! / Posted on 07-10-2012 (Japanese)

[14] J-CAST news – デヴィ夫人、ブログで謝罪「ネットの情報疑わなかった」 / 07-14-2012 (Japanese)

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We Came by Bike

We Came by Bike

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"We Came by Bike" (Japanese: チャリで来た, Chari de kita) is the superimposed message on a photo of Japanese early teen homeboys. This catchy message and their impressive pose in the picture have been the popular fodder of photoshop, illustrations and re-enactments by Japanese internet users since late 2011.


The origin of this meme is a print club sticker picture of four Japanese homeboys pretending to be cool with fist pumping and smug look. And, the message written on the picture by themselves is: "We came by bike." (チャリで来た。).

For Japanese sensibilities, this picture looks so much ridiculous because of these reasons:

  • They wear dowdy Japanese juvenile delinquents (Bōsōzoku[1] or Yanki[2]) style fashion. Nowadays, it's considered quite uncool especially on the web.
  • All of them is too short in height and baby-faced look to wear that fashion.
  • The message isn't something to brag about at all.

It's uncertain where this picture came from, although someone says it was leaked from back data in print club sticker by video game arcade staff, or uploaded to a mobile social network service popular among junior high / high school students by themselves. At least, this picture have been occasionally posted to threads on /news4vip/ board in 2channel since late 2009, where people collect ridiculous pictures of Bōsōzoku boys and girls.


This picture began capturing the attention by itself around the end of 2011. On January 8th, 2012, a thread for collecting parodies of "We came by Bike" succeeded to gather dozens of photo collages.[3] A Twitter bot posting those photoshop collections was also launched in that month.[4] From then on, parody illustrations featuring these boys began increasing on both Japanese illustrators community pixiv[5] and niconico Seiga[6], the illustration sharing service in Nico Nico Douga (NND). People have created those parodies by rearranging the order of the letters in the title to various humorous statements in rhyme scheme.

In a reflection of this online popularity, Niwango, the company managed NND, added the "We came by bike" photo frame to their original print club sticker in the niconico headquarters shop in Harajuku, Tokyo in the following month.[7] Besides, a Japanese company YEDO FACTORY released an iphone/ipad application of superimposing "We came by Bike." style message on photos in October of that year.[8]

Response Came by Magazine

On March 2012, it made a headline on the web that the three in them appeared as friends of an interviewed girl's boyfriend on the first issue of Japanese gal fashion magazine egg JK.[9] This article mentioned their online popularity, introduced them as the famous people on the web and posted their response to the online fame: "Hey 2channel-ers, that's enough with the jokes." It was also revealed that they took this picture when they were 13 years old.

And the final sentence in the article was this confession by them: "Today, We Came by Motorbike".

ん 「ギャルが多くて !って言われるよう メーシアスするようなコトをた さん軺 ね! バイクは親戚のおじさんから 69たんだつで、「ウチ、声低 ·原付を乗り回してるのは菜津 樹c.I来年から3年生なんで、 大人系の女を目指し稟す!!, ●赤&黒のビッグスクーターが 目立っていたお2人サン、r安 全運転を0がけてるよw. 親 atがるコトで..最近· いらしいよ…ガハハ(笑)」, イケメン発見! 男友達| の tに .JK2 将来の不安は ど、その前にやせた~い(K), ワタシの今カレヤ 1.EW」 有名ブリ riのオラオラなイメージとは違って、楽しげなメンズ しかも、ファッションもオシャンティでしたv 嘢未裕chan 2ウチの高校はカ ヤツ以外ならなんでも 自由って最高だよね~ この3人とは友達とい う敦輝kは、みさみさ ●パロディが数多く存在するなど と付き合ってるんだってぇ この画像のファンは全国に多いで 美男美女カップルでうらも、本人たちは喜んでないみたい。 やましいぢゃんかよッ! (笑) ネットで話題4ARAが友達. :校生ではないケドね ·この3人は, らる「 . ドヤッ の時にR>た 、るのがこの3%% Otro ケド、トツゼ みんなテンショ だったヨ☆ 2ちゃんねらー、イイ加減にせえよ(

False Accusation

On July 10th 2012, a Japanese celebrity Dewi Sukarno[10], the third wife of the previous Indonesian leader Sukarno[11], posted a message about the Otsu bullying case[12] to her blog.[13] In that post, she totally ignored Japanese juvenile laws and aggressively blamed perpetrators with their real names and several pictures that were flowing as their faces on the web. However, one of the pictures in that post was what was captured from "We came by bike".

この少年も 京都へ転校済み。(写真:右) この少年は事件後Greeに 「滋賀県大津市で中学生が 飛び陥り自殺したの知ってる?」 罪の意識反省の色全く無し。 などと書き込んでいました この加害者少年らは 事件後 被害者の写真に 画鋲で穴をあけたり 落書きまでしていたのです この少年らよ 自殺教唆罪、傷害罪、窃盗罪、恐喝罪 などのとんでもない犯罪を犯しているのです。
Screenshot taken from Dewi Sukarno's blog post

Shortly after, she replaced their real names to initials and took down all pictures from the article. But her failure was immediately covered by not a few 2channel affiliated blogs and online gosip news sites.[14]

Notable Examples

Photo Collages

"We Came by Sledge"

"We Came to Paris"

"God Has Decended"
"We Came to the Moon"

"Spring Has Come"
牪 北
"We Came to the North"



Created by <a href="">わたのれ</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>
"We Came to London"
Created by <a href="">ppera@ついったー</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>
"We Came by EVA"
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Created by <a href="">マゼラン</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>
"We Have Been Summoned"
Created by <a href="">もろきゅー</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>
"The Shrine Maiden Has Come"
Touhou Project
Created by <a href="">閏</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>
"We Came to G.I (Greed Island)"
Created by <a href="">はるお</a> via <a href="">pixiv</a>
"We Came by Teleport Alpha"


Photo by <a href="">niconico news</a> Photo by <a href="">ニャロのゲームでわっしょい@ω@</a>
Photo by なゅんす via <a href="">BOOM SHAKA LAKA☆★</a> Photo by <a href="">星美りかのキラキラ1番星!!!</a> Photo by <a href="">恋羽@ぴょん</a> via <a href="">可愛い女の子とイケメンが大好物♪</a>

Search Interest

External References

[1] Wikipedia – Bōsōzoku

[2] Urban Dictionary – yanki

[3] あじゃじゃしたー – チャリで来た のコラ画像増え過ぎワロタwwwwwwww / Posted on 01-08-2012 (Thread summary, Japanese)

[4] Twitter – charide_kita

[5] pixiv – Search results for チャリで来た

[6] niconico Seiga – Search results for チャリで来た

[7] niconico Info – 「チャリで来た」プリがニコニコ本社で撮影できる! / 02-02-2012 (Japanese)

[8] iTunes App Store – チャリで来た。カメラ

[9] ニュー速VIPブログ(`・ω・´) – 「チャリで来た」の奴が雑誌にwww / Posted on 03-22-2012 (Japanese)

[10] Wikipedia – Dewi Sukarno

[11] Wikipedia – Sukarno

[12] ABC News – Kids and Laughing Teachers Bullied Suicide Teen / 07-06-2012

[13] Dewi Sukarno Official Blog – 北本市・大津市の いじめ自殺問題 悪童連を少年院に送れ! / Posted on 07-10-2012 (Japanese)

[14] J-CAST news – デヴィ夫人、ブログで謝罪「ネットの情報疑わなかった」 / 07-14-2012 (Japanese)

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