When no one understands X / When no one understands your x
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When no one understands X / When no one understands your x are the names of videos created to describe a certain liking for a musical piece that is uncommon or excentric to the "normies", being related mostly to anime openings and videogame OSTs. It does not however allways contains songs, sometimes it uses quotes or other memes even.
When No One Understands You uploaded by Jordan Underneath depicts a pair of plushies talking about their music tastes and when one of them asks for Jordan's opinion, Jordan plays wite noise using a radio, after one of the plushies ask Jordan to stop Jordan interrupts him saying that it is his favirite part, followed by louder white noise.
It was spread by various users un Youtube by changing the wite noise for other song and changing Jordan's "favorite part" for the best or most iconic part of the song. Some even changing the format by adding quotes or other memes.
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