Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel - Images
The Kit-Kat Chomchamp
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
You may not like it, but this is what peak shape rotator performance looks like
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
Wordcel: "It says here that they will not revolt if we designate the Shape Rotator as a noble profession in our rituals"
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
Sell wordcel. Sell shape-rotator. Buy every n-word pass you can find.
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
Wordcel VS shape rotator is a meme crystallisation of deepest brain reality
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
wordcel is now more popular than incel. rather than contribute to incel ideology i have defeated it
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
virgin internal voice vs chad cerebration
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
The secret is to develop AI to mimic wordcel being.
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
wordcel high command
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
JP is wordcel
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
*jay z voice* im not a wordcel, my words sell
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
this has been the most successful publicity stunt I’ve ever pulled and I could not be happier with the outcome
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
Roon has never... wait who are you?
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
only a wordcel
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
well, you see, the thing about the wordcel is that he is an instantiation of the realization of LANGUAGE, you see, because, well, it's like, there's a...
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
Jordan Peterson Is A Wordcel Confirmed
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
shape rotators build skinner boxes
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
this is all just gibberish touch grass everyone please
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
im close to figuring it out i swear
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel
Key wordcel tells: "Experts say", "Studies show", "Fact checkers confirm".
Wordcel / Shape Rotator / Mathcel