X beats up Y for no reason
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This is my first article, so somebody spruce it up
"X beats up Y for no reason" is the name for a small series of YouTube videos in which characters from games such as Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Half-Life 2, Killing Floor, and Team Fortress 2 beat each other up for no apparent reason.
The original, "Louis beats up Rochelle for no reason" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr-98GKVXK4 shows the character Louis from Valve's Left 4 Dead fly from a rooftop to another, and body slams Rochelle, a character from Left 4 Dead 2. Louis then begins to attack Rochelle with a saferoom door from the same game. Afterwards, Louis falls off the roof, only to return larger in size and sucks Rochelle into his mouth. As a result, he burps a pipe bomb, one of Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2's items. The pipe bomb explodes, ending the video.
Shortly afterwards, numerous shot-for-shot parodies were submitted. These include,
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