The renaissance was a mistake.
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart

Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Marvel Cinematic Universe Launches
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
D&D 4th Edition Publishded
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Beginning of OSINT
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Too Human Released
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Kosovo Formally Declares Independence From Serbia
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Vampire Weekend Debuted
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Brietbart News Foudned
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Fed Starts QE + ZIRP
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
TARP Enacted
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Notion Created
Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
what’s up you fuckin virgins

Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
There are fewer men having sex, not fewer women having sex. Logically, this means women are sharing the same men (de facto polygamy).

Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart

Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart
Lady Gaga Releases The Fame

Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart