Daily Mail Roasted For Trying To Pass Withered Troll Woman As Model Of 'Remote Workers In 2100'

Published June 16, 2023

Published June 16, 2023

Since the COVID-19 pandemic more or less ended according to the WHO, there's been much digital ink spilled on the importance (or lack thereof) of going into a physical office to do a job many workers discovered they could just as easily do from the comfort of their own homes.

Some, particularly those in industries such as commercial real estate, are very invested in getting workers back into an office for fairly obvious reasons. That's why this morning, when The Daily Mail posted an article showcasing a 3D model imagining what the average "remote worker" will look like in 2100, many smelled propaganda.

Daily Mail remote worker tweet

Those who suspected "Anna," the potbellied, withered crone in dirty pink pajamas, may not have been crafted in 100 percent good faith have a strong case. The model was commissioned by a company called "Furniture At Work," which, as its name implies, sells office furniture.

"To visualise the effects of not having a proper place to work at home, Furniture at Work used scientific research and worked with healthcare experts to reveal what the remote worker of the future could look like," the company explained.

"Working from bed has taken its toll on Anna, who has a hunched back with raised shoulders, while staring at a screen all day has given her red, swollen eyes," the Daily Mail added.

The article didn't exactly inspire fear in many remote-working commenters, as several opined the physical deformities ascribed to "Anna" due to her working on a computer at home would likely not be avoided if she was working on a computer in the office. In fact, The Daily Mail posted a nearly identical article in 2019, complete with a 3D-model troll woman named "Emma," only the physical abnormalities of "Emma" were caused by her working at a desk in an office.

Daily Mail working in office article

Judging from the newspaper's apparent outlook for the evolution of computer-based workers, it would seem humanity is doomed to become Quasimoto-esque hunchbacks whether people primarily work from the office or their living rooms.

However, many commenters chalked "Anna" up to fearmongering sensationalism on the part of The Daily Mail and Furniture at Work, and were much more apt to crack jokes and make memes about the paper's bleak prognostication than fear for the future of humanity.

https://twitter.com/banalplay/status/1669688210648121348 anti-wfh propaganda hulk hogan 3d model joke

However humans look in 2100, here's hoping they have the good sense to change into some clean pajamas.

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