'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Gifts Memers Plenty Of Material After He Spends Weekend Posting His Ls

Published April 18, 2022

Published April 18, 2022

Scott Adams, creator of long-running sensible chuckle comic Dilbert and outspoken conservative Twitter personality, spent the weekend bewildering Twitter by posting a lengthy thread in which he mostly listed all the bad things that have happened to him.

Over the course of a dozen-ish of tweets, Adams went down a lengthy list enumerating the various events in his life, such as "Number of major auto accidents I have been in: 3" and "Number of times my car stereo has been stolen: 4." Adams also bragged about some events in his life in a couple of unintentionally hilarious tweets, such as the one about the number of fights he had been in, claiming he "attacked two bullies" as a teenager but that it didn't count as a fight because "they surrendered without countering."

There are several other gems in Adams' thread that beg for more context, such as "Number of times someone stole more than $50,000 from me: 5-7 times" and "Number of times I was disciplined by parents or teachers during childhood: zero," which struck many as highly improbable.

It's unclear why Adams went on this thread, considering the statistics Adams runs down seem to have little relation to each other. Whatever the reason, Twitter users were left to simply applaud the masterfully inane bit of posting and fired off jokes at Adams' expense.

We can never know if Scott Adams is telling the truth about his allegedly action-packed life, but even if the whole thing turns out to be an elaborate, inexplicable lie, one thing is certain for many of his followers: The thread was funnier than Dilbert.

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