'GTA V' Voice Actors Recreate 'Lamar Roasts Franklin,' Meme Reaches Its Inevitable Conclusion

Published January 12, 2021

Published January 12, 2021

The lifecycle of a meme is hard to predict. When it starts and why it starts is one thing, but establishing a time of death can be tricky. Usually, a meme oversaturates the internet, diminishing its potency and annoying the very people that created it.

However, sometimes a meme reaches a peak because an example is so beautiful, so wonderful that it becomes impossible for memers to top it. That might be the case with Lamar Roasts Franklin.

Originating in Grand Theft Auto V, the Lamar Roasts Franklin meme inspired a series of remixes last year, thanks to a viral tweet that showcased how funny the scene could be with different voices and participants.

Over the next year, the remixes poured in. Everyone, from SpongeBob SquarePants to Darth Vader, was out there mocking Franklin's "yee yee-ass haircut."

However, YouTube channel PlayStation Haven did us one better. Reprising their roles as Lamar and Franklin, respectively, Slink Johnson and Shawn Fonteno performed the scene for real with shocking accuracy. In the near-decade since the game's release, it's safe to say Johnson and Fonteno haven't missed a beat. But it's not just the voices that are spot-on; the body language and location also showcase an attention to detail that must be seen to be believed.

Check out the video below and gaze into the beauty of a meme at the height of its powers.

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