Home Depot 'Unpacking Privilege Packet' Leaks, Leading To Expectedly Divided Reactions Online

Published March 23, 2022

Published March 23, 2022

Home Depot, the construction goods store known for its lengthy aisles and banger theme song, has become the center of controversy after an employee packet on the concept of "privilege" leaked online in a viral tweet.

According to the New York Post, the packet was distributed by Home Depot's Canadian division, though "it hadn’t been approved by the company’s diversity and inclusion department." A spokeswoman told the paper "the information was not officially sanctioned as part of any required companywide training."

The packet outlines some very basic principles about the social concept of "privilege." For example, it notes that believing that police are working to "protect you" is an example of white privilege and that "expecting to have religious holidays off" is an example of "Christian privilege."

It's unclear why the packet was distributed to Home Depot employees and for what purpose. More clear is the reaction on social media, which was extremely divided down political lines, as some right-wing commenters bemoaned the company going "woke" while many left-wing commenters saw it as a positive step — causing the "unpacking privilege packet" to trend on Twitter today.

As of now, there is no word on if Ben Shapiro will return the plank of wood he bought from Home Depot last year to show his support for the company after it took an apolitical stance on Georgia's Voter ID laws.

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