*Italian Chef Kiss* Gets Emoji

For many decades, mankind has understood that when the discourse is as belissimo as a spicy meat-a-ball, there is only one appropriate reaction: the Italian Chef Kiss. While the stereotype of the mustachio’d Italian chef blowing air kisses out of self-satisfaction is thought to have been around since the mid-20th century, it was only in the past year or so that the hand gesture reached the status of an internet meme, largely in thanks to some of the most iconic-looking Italian chef mascots as seen on TV and canned food packaging, like Swedish Chef of The Muppets and the nameless mascot of the Croatian condiment brand Vegeta.

Unfortunately, up until recently, Apple had failed to recognize this universal expression of appreciation in emoji form. That changed on August 13th, when designer Jen Lewis unveiled a collection of "Chef's Kiss" and "Chef's Diss" stickers available for $0.99 from the Apple store.

The set features a total of 48 stickers, as both the “Chef’s Kiss” and “Chef’s Diss” sticker sets feature six different colored chefs and four different hats. After purchasing the set, one clicks the “A” icon, and from there, the kissing may begin. There hasn't been any telling sign on whether the stickers will replace the time-honored tradition of typing “Italian Chef Kiss,” but the lazier among us now have a pretty stylish little character to express when that discourse is just right.
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