Streamer StrawberryTabby, Pioneer Of Twitch's 'Topless Meta,' Banned For Introducing 'Show Hole Meta'

Published March 13, 2024

Published March 13, 2024

Once again, Twitch has been forced to clamp down on suggestive near-nudity, as the service handed streamer StrawberryTabby a ban for the crime of showing a little perianal skin in what was – very technically – a Valorant stream.

StrawberryTabby ban Twitter

In what can only be described as more of a "wardrobe feature" than a "wardrobe malfunction," StrawberryTabby set up two cameras in her Valorant stream: one showing her head and torso, covered by a tiny bikini top, and another placed right in front of her bent-over backside, her bikini covering only what it absolutely had to but leaving very little to the imagination.

Commentators reacting to the viral clip such as CriTiKaL described the shot as a "colonoscopy" when he discovered StrawberryTabby's stream during one of his own streams earlier this week. Valorant gameplay took up maybe a 16th of the screen in total.

StrawberryTabby was a "pioneer" of sorts in Twitch's infamous Topless Meta era, where she was one of the streamers who went viral for livestreaming with seemingly no shirt but had the camera positioned so that the key part of her chest was just out of frame.

Yesterday's ban, which is of indeterminate length as of the time of writing, is her eighth from the platform to date. StrawberryTabby may cause Twitch to once again update its nudity policy.

In January, Twitch was forced to respond to the Topless Meta by banning "black censor bars or other items to block (streamers') bodies or clothing, or position the camera frame such that the viewer is led to believe that the streamer is fully or partially nude."

Nothing about her latest stunt implied StrawberryTabby was fully nude, but she evidently discovered a new line that could not be crossed on the platform.

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