Tracer's Butt Is Stirring Up A Small Drama Again, This Time In The 'Overwatch 2' Beta

Published May 03, 2022

Published May 03, 2022

The six-year-old drama surrounding the Overwatch hero Tracer has just received an unexpected sequel as the internet is again arguing about the size of the character's buttocks after the release of the Overwatch 2 beta.

Many will remember the controversy surrounding the "Over the Shoulder" victory pose for Tracer, which had the hero looking over her shoulder and her butt turned towards the player. The pose, which many deemed to be a sexualization of the character, was ultimately replaced with a more innocuous version in which Tracer is balancing on one leg.

Now the recent drama has some people complaining that Tracer's buttocks were "nerfed" in the upcoming Overwatch sequel.

Here's the fun thing though: The proportions of Tracer's model were not actually changed between Overwatch and its sequel, and Lena Oxton's butt is very much the same size it's always been.

Some speculated that Twitter's concern with the non-issue may stem from the abundance of Blender pornography featuring Overwatch characters, in which Tracer's model is more often than not way more callipygous than in the game. Given how popular the genre has been, it's no wonder that some people remember Tracer's model slightly differently.

Should we consider Overwatch porn to be a valid reference, then it looks like the new model brought even bigger changes.

Overwatch 2, the sequel to the hit 2015 multiplayer game Overwatch, entered its open PvP beta in late April.

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