Twitch Streamer Appears To Blow Up His Room, Though Some Suspect The 'Gas Leak' Was Faked As Part Of Developing 'Explosion' Meta

Published February 14, 2024

Published February 14, 2024

Twitch streamers have proven time again that they'll rely on the oldest tricks of entertainment to accumulate viewers, and now that the most recent meta has been banned by the platform, it seems some streamers may be turning to the next best thing, which is, apparently, explosions.

On Monday, Twitch streamer Bodiggles was playing Minecraft when he claimed he smelled gas. A commenter joked, "Methane check?," prompting bodiggles to pull out a lighter and flick it, supposedly resulting in his room suddenly bursting into flames as the livestream abruptly cuts out and ends.

The streamer has since stated both he and his cats are "fine," and he later posted pictures purportedly showing him sitting in a hospital bed with a nice view.

He also posted an image of a busted joker lighter, appearing to imply that the lighter was the one that sparked the explosion.

bodiggles hospital photos bodiggles lighter

However, several online remain unconvinced that the explosion was genuine, based partially on the belief that gas explosions rarely leave the affected parties fine. While footage of the "explosion" was brief, some users suggested it may have been achieved through simple video editing techniques like PNG stretching with the Adobe After Effects fire PNG.

Furthermore, bodiggles' video comes less than a month after streamer "imboggles" pulled a similar stunt, jamming two forks into toasters, resulting in an "explosion" that was later proven to be fake.

Bodiggles appears to be friends with or at least aware of imboggles, as in the hours since his "explosion" stream, he has cheered on imboggles' stunts getting picked up by YouTuber and streamer Cr1TiKaL.

bodiggles explosion cheer

As of now, there's no evidence other than bodiggles' word that the explosion was genuine, but it does appear that a potential "explosion meta" showing users appearing to blow themselves up in dangerous stunts is germinating on the app.

If bodiggles is attempting to capitalize on this trend, he's been successful: a TikTok of the moment posted to his account currently has 150,000 views, which is about 149,000 more views than many of his previous posts.

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