Twitter Gets Trolled With Rickroll In 4K

Published February 18, 2021

Published February 18, 2021

After 15 years of being a meme, you'd think that there'd be no way for the Rickroll to troll as hard as it once did. Apparently, that's not the case, as Rick Astley trended on Twitter alongside a hi-definition remaster of the video for his classic song, "Never Gonna Give You Up."

There is something deeply unsettling about looking at the Astley video, something any internet denizen has seen dozens of times, without the graininess and camera quality typical of 80s music videos. The video was created two weeks ago by YouTuber Revideo, who used Topaz Video Enhance AI and RIFE (Flowframes) to bring this uncanny monstrosity to the world.

[This video has been removed]

The video bombarded Twitter users with a rush of emotions ranging from unsettled to horrified to horny.

Congratulations Revideo: you made Rick Astley weird again (and also sort of hot).

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