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>Be Kaz

>Shit kid making trouble at mother base and gets one of the other kids killed

>Other kids escape

>How even?

>Tell BB to go get them

>Rescues them one by one

>Getting me all worried like that

>Find out shit kid made makeshift weapons, time to interrogate the little cunt

>Ocelot interrogates, puts his hands on the kid like a pedo

>Kid says he told them “last chance to see the world” and starts laughing.

>Fuck the ginger kid’s back

>Steals Metal Gear


>Go outside to see him leaving with the other kids. Must have been planning this all along.

>Played like a damn fiddle

>Learn where he went, fucker ain’t getting away

>Send in BB and the entirety of Mother Base’s forces

>Take him down

>Kid finds out he’s been infected. Serves ya right

>BB gives him a gun with a bullet so he can off himself
>Gonna napalm the place anyways so he’s triple dead.

>Nothing personnel, kid.

>Left him to die on that Island, and it was the last time he’d ever be trouble for me… Right?


>I retire to Alaska in the middle of nowhere
>Finally some peace and quiet
>Thought I got away from all the war business and revenge
>Lying on my comfy couch in the front of the fireplace
>Frontdoor gets kicked open
>"You're pretty good"
>Faggot Westaboo Russian comes in twirling his outdated guns
>twirls them for a full half minute
>"Now I'll show you why they call me revolver"
>Apparently he's got a new nickname.
>What is it with his revolver fetish?
>Aims his guns at me
>"12 shots, I got twelve shots"
>Get shot
>The little shit, Eli we rescued from a 3rd world shithole impersonates me
>All he needed was sunglasses and a stupid accent
>Top of the line soldiers couldn't tell until it was too late
>World nearly gets destroyed
>I just wanted to retire from all of this.


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