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1719 Views Created 8 years ago By Get PILLS, against my orders • Updated 3 years ago

Created By Get PILLS, against my orders • Updated 3 years ago

Loo at ourself! Anonymous 10/11/15 (Sun) 22:32:44 ID: 26acf1 No.6470406 8471337 File (hide): 1444620765127 png (114.81 KB, 479x380, 479:360, couragecomputer 6468968 >her eyes leave the side of her head What the f--- is this? Is this supposed to be some retards interpretation of le yandere gril of love and dedication? Because this is a drawing of a hammerhead shark with Downs Syndrome in a school uniform. Look at this stupid thing. It's like it's eyes magnetically repel each other. If they were any further apart she'd be receiving love letters from f------ chameleons. Is she supposed to look like the transfer student from the town of Innsmouth? Is she the product of some shameful, drunken copulation between a K TWIT On! extra and a XCOM Terror from the Deep reject? I sincerely f------ hope so. l'd hate to imagine some idiot, fresh from reading his latest manga-drawing guide from Chris Hart, drawing this insult to the human form on paper and thinking to his own stupid self, "Yes! This is something worthy of being seen by the internet at large!", the moron then uploading this to some tumblr blog, gleefully giggling as the progress bar fills at roughly the same rate his underdeveloped brain processes pain. And then, once his pitiful doodle that would be an affront to even the most expendable sheet of scrap paper is released into the ever fermenting cesspool of the online art(kill me) community, his stupid brain will be filled with a sense of pride, hoisting it's ego to levels of unwarranted happiness not matched since it's first successful attempt at defecating in a place that isn't an article of clothing he was currently wearing. I sincerely hope this is not the case and the character indeed is supposed to have eyes that hang precariously off the sides of it's face, or that it is in fact related to some sort of unpleasant deep sea animal. Because god help us all if this stupid f------ drawing actually made it through the seedy back alleys of a chan board without drawing any fom of much deserved mockery towards it or that (Lord help us all) some similarly retarded individual saw this sick parody of a drawing and felt it worthy of polluting his computer's hard drive holding it somewhere in the bowels of his My Pictures folder
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8chan / 8kun



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