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in reply to Cykron

It's not just inflation. Lego set prices are calculated by number of parts, and the parts count in sets has gone nowhere but up in recent years.

Compare 2001's original Tahu to 2016's Tahu: Uniter of Fire. At $20, Uniter Tahu costs more than twice as much as the $7 Mata Tahu. But Uniter Tahu contains 132 parts – exactly four times as many as the 33-piece Mata Tahu.

Going by price per part, the first Tahu costed 21 cents per part, while Uniter Tahu costs just 15 cents. Relative to their parts, the price has actually gone down.

This goes especially when you consider Stars Tahu from 2009, the last Tahu released before the reboot. At $8 for 19 pieces, this Tahu costed a massive 42 cents per part. Today's Bionicle figures are practically a steal compared to their predecessors.

The most recent Tahu costs more than both of them combined, but he's also more complex than ever. You get what you pay for – perhaps even more.


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