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Super Smash Brothers - Eliwood and Lyn have less of a reason to be sad,not only is their son in Smash,but Lyn is an assist!

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Thinking of playstyles

I'd give Lyn a good mobility and very swift movement. However, her attacks would be laggy, but, very powerful. Her signature weapon, the Sol Katti, is monstrously powerful, but, extremely heavy. Would also include the ability to have a pause before attacks go off, to increase damage. Meant to be a critical hit like thing, since Lyn crits all the time.

Hector being Ganondorf with an axe seems like proper thing. Lot's of super armor, and a Link style shield. Of course, he'd be pretty laggy and heavy, but, oh dear, hitting so hard. Would use Armads, of course.

Eliwood could be given a mounted/unmounted mechanic, with his classes, Knight Lord and Lord, being mounted and unmounted, respectively. Think Gyro in JJBA: ASB. Would use Durandal.


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