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Pearl: crystal gem
Pearl: crystal gem

Whoa, this is pathetic. They actually completely cutted the entire scene where they show their affection to each other. They could at least have left the part where they show that they care for each other and just cut the “kissies and hug” part, to at least show their “friendship” bond, but no. In this scene, they just see each other, run and fuse. This doesn’t explain the chemistry of those two characters at all. Worse, it make them look like they only fuse to be powerful, which is exactly what Homeworld think of fusion, funnily enough.

I don’t know which country did that, and I won’t make any generalisation, since I am smarter than that, but if I was not such a proper and elegant gem, I would have some not elegant swear to tell the peoples responsible for this heresy.


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