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Mister Musashi
Mister Musashi

(3 hours later)
Ruby: …Penny…!
Jaune: …Pyrrha…!
Ren: *monotone* My voice actor and technically the Allfather of our world…
Ruby/Jaune: …oh…
Ruby/Jaune: *extremely uncomfortable*
Jaune:yyyeeeaaahhh… this… this isn't so bad after all… r-right… Ruby…?
Ruby: Yeah…
Nora: Waaaaaiiiiiit… but wasn't this all His plan from the very beginning and he strung us and our emotions along the enti--
Ren:*covering Nora's mouth, threateningly* This is how people get their pancakes poisoned… you of all people should know not to talk of the Allfather that way, Thor-a…
Nora: *wide-eyed with tears, silently nods*
…… *complete silence*
Ren: *back to 'normal'* …this is a nice, quiet place.

what am I even doing with this comment section fanfic/RP bullshit
someone kill me


I am pre-emptively pitying Nora – there's no way that Miles and Kerry will be able to resist breaking someone so relentlessly cheerful. Fifty bucks says Ren and Nora have the most miserable backstory in the entire fucking show (I know we already know the outline of it sorta but I mean in specifics).


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